Saturday, June 26, 2004

Circular No 138

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 26 of June 2004. Circular No. 138
Dear Friends,

I must caution you not to be disillusioned! In Circular No. 133, I sent out the emails that I received from Lionel Roberts, Deacon of St. Petersburg Parish in Florida, USA. The email address used is as it came and was copied, but from your comments and my experience, no answer has been forthcoming, after having received those two emails. I only hope that nothing serious has happened to Lionel Roberts since then. Those that would like to try a telephone call to the parish; the number is (727)867 3663. If any one of you has a positive answer and would like to share it, please write. I am anxious to hear from him, just as others that have written to me.

And now, the emails that I got on Bro. Vincent from you my readers. A few thoughts and memories of 'Bruh Vince'

First of all it is good to know that he is still around to be able to read at least one tribute (and deservedly / hopefully a lot more)

I entered the Abbey School in January 1958 and my main impression after a few days was that 'Bruhvince' (pronounced as one word I did not understand at first) had to be the most important person since he was behind every counter, seen everywhere else and on everybody's lips, 'Bruhvince, look at this", "Bruhvince said that", "Bruhvince gave me permission" etc. were the most repeated phrases used by boys of all forms and ages.

With all due respect to the other wonderful priests and staff at the Mount, this impression was further strengthened over the next 2 or 3 years as I realized the competence, encouragement and enthusiasm of this human dynamo who served as bursar, sports master and counsellor.

As a young boy from a "sports mad" family, "Bruhvince" was almost a hero, playing volleyball in his monastic robe, table tennis, football and cricket- always a little pidgin toed and laughing with delight at some of his successful efforts, swapping 'fatigue', posting match fixtures and arranging transport. I saw him grow irritated on a few occasions but generally he had the most cheerful
of dispositions under trying circumstances.

He related completely to the boys and was respected and liked by all; we all knew the school surely would have been different and far less exciting without him.

I do not remember the year he left but at the time I simply could not imagine the school surviving. As we reached the higher forms, we became less reliant on the staff (and more rebellious/ disconnected) but somehow I always hoped that one day we would
suddenly see the return of "Bruhvince" to his cherished position at our institution

That was the mark of the man.

(Submitted by Stuart Henderson. Ed.)
From: "Roger Henderson" <>
Date: 24 May 09:22 (PDT)

I do not know how you tracked down Lionel Roberts, aka Br.Vincent, but it was very nice to learn about his whereabouts. During my years at the Mount he was an institution and everything to do with sports centred around him. Ably supported by the great Mr. Tom, father of 6 or 7 daughters. I recall so many instances of our involvement in sport together but one of my favourite was a tour to Guyana when I was one of the youngest boys there. (I think Jeffrey Gransaull was the youngest to go). Bro. V and I used to play the card game Peedra as partners and we developed an intricate system of illegal signs which made us winners against the older boys on tour and they couldn't fathom out how we did it. We had so many laughs at their expense - but imagine a man of the cloth cheating at cards.
Good to hear from him.
Date: 11 Jun 05:25 (PDT)
De: Isaias Farcheg []
Para: []

Caracas May 23 rd. 2004.
Dear good, old, and always remembered Lionel (alias Br. Vincent). I was really happy to we have crossed the lines of our lives again. I received your letter about a month ago, and was looking forward to have the time to reflect about many things that have happened since I left the School in 1958. I was aware that you had been in Brazil, and still have the two photos that you sent me, recently married. Precisely one of them is the one that I handled to Kertesz in order to send in the circular dedicated to you.

I started to study medicine in 1959 and graduated in 1965. I did my internship in the Military Hospital of Caracas. In this hospital I had the opportunity of hospitalizing Father Bernard, while he was the Abbot. I am actually a Gastroenterologist (digestive system).

I went back to Mount St. Benedict, twenty years after I left it, in 1978, and had the chance of seeing Father Augustine, Cuthbert, Ildefonse...and a few others. I was really sad to have seen how the monastery, did have difficulties with the new vocations. Even so, I was conscious of the fact that monastic life, has been abandoned all over. While I was staying in the states, had the opportunity of seeing a program in the PBS about Old abandoned Monasteries. So of course Mount St. Benedict, was not going to be an exception.

I did my Fellowship in Baltimore between 1974 and 1975. By mid year in 1975 I got married with Marie, who has given me three children...the elder one Simon Jose is an Attorney and is 27 years old, Natalie who is 26 years old and just graduated in Industrial Engineering and the smallest one Said, is trying to fix his future without any success. We are fighting to get him through.

In looking back to the old days, we have to be grateful to God, that we had people like you and all at Mount, who gave us values, like discipline, and the desire to be better day to day, organization in our life, sense of leadership, sense the value of friendship and responsibility, and many others values. When you mentioned the phrase, that was and I can imagine your quality as a person. You got us involved in the team work of the Houses. Sometimes when we have a dinner meeting, is unbelievable how every one remembers the House that he belonged House was St. Lawrence and Elias my brother belonged to St. Francis...

By the way the last time I went to Mount, I stopped in our football field, and walk it up and down and really felt sad but at the same time grateful to think of the moments of glory in sports that we had been able to experience in the different games. I still remember Michael Howell running in front of me in the 100 yards competition and in the 220 yards, or even trying to compete with Lucky (by the way he is a Judge in Trinidad). The great moments when we had the luck of making a goal...and how we got to be admired like miniature Pele of football. There were the workers in the kitchen that use to leave on my seat in the refectory and extra amount of peanut butter or extra portion of cheese, as a reward for the goal one scored.

Brother Gerard has been coming frequently to Venezuela, since he is in charge of the Swimming boys that represent Trinidad. Brother Gerard has the opportunity of putting me up to date, with the news of the Mount.

I am glad that you are in the Ministry of being a Deacon for the Church. I will remember you in my prayers.

By the way Sarkis Farcheg, my cousin has moved to Tampa, so he might visit you one day in the near future. He is at the present in Venezuela, and I think will be going to the States in two months time.

I will not get you tired for this time, but since we have this means of communicating, I will be giving you more information about Elias, Manuel Prada, Gerard Most, the Fedaks and talk to you about the wonderful work Ladislao Kertesz has done with the Web Page of Mount St. Benedict.

Greetings to your wife, and receive my wishes of a good embrace and big smile, that the famous Lionel has appeared once more in our life.

God Bless you and your family.

My e-mail address:
Continuation of Mount Inside No.46 p.o2:


My long-time friend Fr. William Boers has recently returned from Haiti where he sojourned in a newly -founded and what he described as a "magnificent, mansion-like monastery".

He spent one year among a simple, poverty-stricken, Voodoo infested island people and there attempted to spread the Benedictine way of life.

A gifted artist in local wood and handyman of the Monastery, Fr. William is in love with the Caribbean, its many peoples and with "what is here in Trinidad" to use his words. This kind-hearted, charitable monk was born in Suriname, South America, in 1910 and arrived in Trinidad in 1931.

Attracted to the religious life while yet a school boy (he received his secondary education in Europe), Fr. William is "one of nine children" who always wanted to live and stay in the West Indies. The Abbey at Mount St, Benedict was therefore the answer.

He is fluent in Dutch, French, German and English and managed well in Creole Patois while in Haiti.

Asked to recall the reckless, roaring 1920s during which years he was at school in Europe, Fr. William replied: "Those years had no effect on me whatsoever". He went on to remark that after the Second World War (1939 - 1945) the whole social structure in Trinidad changed dramatically.

He spoke enthusiastically of how he used to be a great walker in his younger years, the leader on many an expedition that set out from the Mount in the good old days.

(More on this brave Benedictine and his Haitian experiences in our next issue)
Mount Inside #46 p02
Well that is all on Lionel Roberts for now!!! I am sure that we are going to get reconnected again in the near future.

God Bless
Photo: By.Roberto Bodingtom, File0001dB 150 15, File0001d7 150 15. Would you know the old boys??? Give me a list so that the names can be inserted in the photos.
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt ,
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Circular No 137

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 19 of June 2004. Circular No. 137
Dear Friends,

Here is further information on our WEB page. I am sure Maroth would welcome your help, suggestions and inputs.

Our Webmaster has the following report:
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: 10 May 09:55 (PDT)
Subject: Re. WEB site

Dear Las, is now your email account, and you can change that if you wish. I've heard from Don Mitchell but not David Bratt, but I haven't checked my email at do that now! As I wrote Don, I'm in the middle of selling my house, preparing to move, getting ready for retirement Oct 1, and leaving for holidays in Sweden during the month of June. As you can imagine, it's quite hectic...
Please send the 58 class photo with or without numbers...I appreciate that...

From: Ladislao kertesz []
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 4:53 AM

Dear Maroth,
By now Don Mitchell must have contacted you, just as David Bratt. Both mentioned that they would like to take charge of a year's cost of the web. Well there is two, without asking!!
The email address should be, as no one knew me as Ladislao, mainly my name was from Las to Lailo, etc.
You know that it was to long and too Latin. I have the photo and I shall send it to you in large format, would we want the numbers or any other means to get the names right?
God bless
On Sun, 9 May 2004 21:02:03 -0500 , "De Marothy, Maroth" wrote:

Dear Ladislao,
I suspect most of us already have one or more email addresses and don't need yet one more, but your idea of charging a small fee for the address is a good one, though the fee should be much less...about $7 US. Would be first come, first served...
By the way, I think you, Ladislao, as the primary mover for reuniting Mount boys over the Internet, should have a Mount email address. I will setup "" later tonight. If you prefer some other name, let me know and I'll change it.
I now know I paid more than needed to ""...there are cheaper and better web site providers and I will get one next year (since I've already paid for this year) after I've had time to research them and find the best value. But don't worry, "" site will be running as long as there are Mount boys around...
By the way, it seems the 1958 class picture (my class!) has disappeared...I suspect it was overwritten, since a photo exists with its name but is not at all the right photo.
If someone could send me the photo (Hello, Tony Johnson!), I'll happily restore it...

From: Ladislao kertesz []
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 5:21 PM

Dear Maroth,
In today's Circular I mention the exchange of the WEB site. Maybe you would want to award the email addresses?? or use it to pay for the web upkeep?? If you would like to include the Circular or the newsletter as a separate email address? or for those that would like to communicate with me?? So before you give out the email addresses let us put a price on the affiliation. Could be 20 USD for 20 slots?? Please let me know your opinion, I shall mail the No. 131 on Sat evening or Sun morning. I would like to include your opinion.
God Bless
Now some letters from Kristof

From: "kristof de marothy" <>
Date: 26 Nov 21:11 (PST)

Hi Ladislao,
I have had to change my email address. It is
Please keep me on your mailing list.
Went to Trinidad for the Reunion. 2003.
Was the only one from Class 59. Jon Golding (class of 61) showed up for the party.
All others were from class of 70+.
Could have used some help from you other old timers.
Had a ball, fond memories and misty eyes.
Met Salvador Coscarat.
Great guy and now a good friend.
Still planning to email pictures to you.
But have to rescan them since by email provider (hotmail) limits my "packet"
Hi Laz,
This is not a photo of the 1958 class. Csaba is not even in it. Check out the 1958 class on the web site.
I recognize Pablo Figuera (20) and I believe Timothy Hutton (20) and Anthony (Gabie) Johnson (23).
My brother Maroth de Marothy was in it along with Urban Fedak.
I was in the class of 1959. We had just over a dozen students.
Refer to the Abbey School web site which has it correctly.

I am still putting my photos and short history together.

(Csaba would seem to have been in Class 1957. Ed.)
Hi Laz,

Ronald Charles is the chinese boy with glasses standing 4th from the left in the 2nd photo of the 1959 graduating class.
He is the 3rd boy on the left of the priest in the 1st 1959 graduating class photo.
Again the unknown" is Harry Guildner, he is the partially hidden boy with glasses standing to the right of the priest. He does not appear in the 2nd photo.
Swami (or Ronald Galt) was in the 1960 graduating class with his brother Richard "Turtleback" whose is shown in the volleyball picture in circular #47 (it looks a lot like him at about 14-15 years of age)..
Like you, I remember my class and a lot of the guys from 1958 and 1960 but after that? Memory fades over 1/2 century but my good times at Mount and the bad ones (especially, when I was whipped by "BoBo" in front off the whole school) are cherished memories.
I was really saddened to hear whiter happened to Mount. It is an ignoble end to such a great school. It gave us a wonderful education, built our characters through sports and discipline and saw us through our formative years.

I'll be in touch


Dear Christopher,
I am sorry for the email address, I was just replying on your last email. The multiple emails mentioned never arrived so I answered your last one of two. Well, I hope this is correct. I have it clear now, thank you.
I shall modify the listing including the name of Ronald Charles and deleting Chin. That does not help me with the unknown or where ever Ronald Charles appears in the photo.
Also if you dinned with Swami then maybe he was your classmate also, and he was repeating Form V when I graduated?????
I know that to reconstruct 40 years is difficult but once I get Ronald Charles nd
Ronald Gokool things will be easier and we can get the website straightened out.
You would not believe it but those of the 1960s and 1970s do not know whose classmates were.
We are lucky as our memories are better???? or our we were closer as a group in our times.
I must confess that I remember my class 1960 but not so well the other classes.
God Bless

(I have had news that Roland Gokool has left us some years ago. Ed.)

Dear Christopher,
Thank you for the reply and encouragement.
Does Ronald Charles sound a bell????
I hope the house work is getting along and that you are placing aside the photos that you are finding for those winter months ( they are close!!, specially in the North North)
Maybe you would like to come back for a few weeks to Caracas???.
God Bless
Hi Laz,
I am getting ready to E-Mail you lotsa pictures and a short bio of myself since leaving MSB. I am in the middle of renovating my house so my time is a bit limited (MUST finish before winter set in).
Thank you.
The "mystery person" in the class of '59 photo, I believe, is Harry Guildner. He was Venezuelan and lived in Tigrito, Edo. Anzoategui.
Will contact you later.


Here is a copy of page 01 Mount Inside from 1982.


I am happy that I have established a record in the long history of "Mount Inside" - first published in 1964. My target of six issues for the school year now ended has been met but not without moments of anguish.

My thanks to a patient and accommodating printer on whose shoulder rests the responsibility for finally getting our journal published. Issue # 46 has been a rushed effort and my Co-ordinator and typist stood up beautifully to the pressures involved.

A special THANK YOU to Fr. Cuthbert who kept all of us on our toes. To you my faithful readers; Your interest in the magazine made my year extremely worthwhile.

Happy holidays
Hayden J.M. Valentine

(The following was the comment written on the mimeographed paper. Ed.)

Sept. 5/81

Note: To the editor.
As an "Old Boy" and in lieu of the Mount Outside; coupled with the kind thoughtfulness of Fr. Cuthbert; I have been receiving the Mount Inside, which, apart from the regularity of production, has given me once more an inside to my old school. My sincere congratulations, and may we see the same enthusiasm for the next term.
All the best from the frozen North.
Arthur Knaggs "Class of 1949"

Mount inside #46 P-01
God Bless
Photo: By Robert Bodington, File0001d5 150 15, File0001d6 150 15. who is photo d6??? Sorry that I do not have photos from 1960s 1970s 1980s. Maybe in those days there were no KODAK BOX CAMERAS? our machines for the 1950s.
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , Time for decisions
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to,

For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Circular No 136

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 12 of June 2004. Circular No. 136
Dear Friends,

To keep up a routine, here is the O.A.S.I.S. Bull No.4. Copied faithfully. The photographs are attached and I have included the names or note for each of them, to make it easier to file away. Naturally I would like to get updated photos and the resume of each person mentioned.
December 1982

Fruitful Fellow Frollickers,

My sincere apologies for the grand delay in getting another OASIS out to you; as much water has flowed beneath the bridges of life, while I have lain dormant here in the East.

I have not had too much financial response to my appeal, but a few faithfully have contributed to the welfare of our little bulletin, and I continue anyway, out of the love of fellowship.

Soon after the releases of the June Letter the news of BRO. GABRIEL'S passing away reached me, and for the real old boys, this faithful character was indeed the Corner Stone of the Mount, in fact he probably laid it. Architect, comedian, fists like the paws of a lion, Borther Gabriel constructed his way into the history and the hearts of us all, and we should remember him with the fondest of memories and prayers. He died peacefully at 88 years
of age.
Lots of news has come from NIGEL BOOS, (the Voice), Amoco Chemicals, who sent both regards (and money). He gave me ALISTAIR LANGE's address, and I wrote to him, as ESMOND was as old boy. Got a long letter from Alistair who is in Western Australia and give me Esmond´s address. He is in Norway with Dowell Schlumberger. Alistair is quite ill, has shares in a company that RICHARD and LEARY O´CONNOR have established there in Perth; both of the latter are in the Offshore Oil Business, and I hope that they will write soon with some news. Nigel (in Aug.) had 2 kids and one on the way. He was glad to get GEOFFREY PRADA´s address as Amoco was trying to contact MARAVEN in Venezuela and there was his contact.
Hurray for the Old Boys!!.
Well would you believe, I got a fabulous letter from CECIL INCE, he was the first day student of Mount, and way back when - so the younger crowd probably won't remember him; he really updated me on an host of "Old Mounties" who are in Barbados - so any one looking for an economical holiday will have a host of contacts in the land of the flying fish. He gave me data on JOHN CAMPS - CAMPINS, SCIPIO SOODEEN, MACK KING and TREVOR EVELYN, he said was in Mississauga, Ontario. So I gave Trevor a Christmas call, what a fabulous thing - he works for Sears since he came to Canada in 1975, is married with six kids - not only did he run first at school, he worked quite fast otherwise too, he has promised to write me. Thanks Cecil. Trevor will try and get me MICKEY CHATTERTON´s address - he is in Malton, Ontario. Cecil also met FR. JOHN MENDES whom he had not seen for 33 years what a joy. Cecil has 3 kids, Edward 20, Martin 18 and Maureen 13.

TREVOR SOODEEN allowed his flourishing scrip to reach me. Trevor has remarried and was in good ol´Trinidad for Carnival this year. He missed PHILIP NESSIEF who was also there at the time. He also visited Florida and never knew he was so close STANLEY FERGUSON who lives in Lakeland.

Just got the Annual Report of the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, and we seen to be well established in the banking world. Better get in the line you guys, for here is ANTHONY LUCKY, our Sprint Champion, Magistrate, etc. etc. sharing the wealth. Doesn't he ever look well? I have not been able to track down the whereabouts of his brother, WINSTON, I believe he came up to Canada.
Also got a lovely letter from FR. ADELBERT VAN DUIN giving me the news of FR. BERNARD's progress, and that he would be back at the Mount towards the end of this year 1982. Don't know if he made the trip, but perhaps he will write us a note for our next bulletin. Our prayers are needed especially for Fr. Bernard for his continued progress and his complete recuperation.
My whole family met Fr. Adelbert this January and he is the same as ever, fresh as a rose, and mischievous as a baby kitten.
He is also looking good (I did not say "good looking").
You might remember Geoffrey Prada´s family photo in the past bulletin: Well, some of those Venezuelan hombre´s must have got hold of a copy, then on the 30th of July, I got a letter from him saying his daughter, Lisa had just got married - so you see the OASIS has struck again.
I also spoke to CHARLES PRADA when I was in St. Catharines, recently and Charles has a wedding of his daughter coming us in January 1983. He had a very tragic loss of his eldest son Ricky this year - a terrible shock for them all.
In March, his family went on a car trip to Miami from Canada which was a new experience for them. Charles is also interested in getting into a new job in the peninsula area - so if any of you know of anything in the line with his background; Texaco marketing,
Motor bike Sales, etc. give him a call.
Incidentally, J.D.MILLER is still trying to get into the oilfield business again; he lives in Montreal, and I have been looking out East for him, but perhaps the Westerners or the Venezuelans could keep a lose eye.
Got a letter from HUGH HENDERSON who is still with the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto, and sometimes goes down to Trinidad on inspection or whatever. He writes to say that STEPHEN SHOUL of Antigua was up in Canada in August to put their two kids Robbie and Nicole to school here. IAN SHOUL was not well, but is up sprite (for his size) and about these days I keep in touch through his daughter Diane who is at St.Mary´s University in Halifax. Hugh with a couple of brothers spent 4 years here at St. Mary's; we can still see some of the red paint about the town.
Sorry, but I missed RAY DeCAMBRA the first time around, he is a Director of Royal Bank T & T and he was so engrossed with paper work I didn't recognize him. Probably that's way he has little time left to dedicate a few words to his secretary, and send it off to us up here. Ray, you may recall was one of first King Scouts in Trinidad, along with ROBERT LLANOS, and myself.
Ray has not (yet) entered the field of marital bliss, and I hope we hear from him soon with some news from "down yonder".
Another letter last month from Australia, ANTHONY LLANOS; avocados doing just fine, and he is putting in 100 more trees. His son Mark 17 helps him in the farm. Anthony's just changed his main job doing finance with Town & Country Building Society, similar work to that he did at Barclays in Trinidad. His other 2 kids, Theresa is married, and Naomi 15 is expert on horses
back - enters competitions and the works. He reports that JOHN SKINNER´s niece (Derby England) just got married and moved from England down near them in the West.
My most recent letter is from GORDON LANG in Colombia whose daughter (Johanna 20) will be visiting us in January 1983 to have a look at the Universities up here to further her studies in Marine Biology, etc. He will be writing in more detail in New Year with his Christmas letter so I look forward to giving you all some more news.
Got a Christmas card from STANLEY FERGUSON who lives near Disney World (we are hoping to make a trip down with all the kids, next year, if we win the lottery). He seems settled to the life of oranges and sunshine, and reports that DUNCAN and PETER are as ever, working, eating, sleeping and playing, off and on.
I guess that is about it for now, sorry about the delay, and for those of you who have not sent in your subscription, it is $10.00 US until the Lord alone knows when. Also, drop me some news about, you, your job and any other "Oldies" that cross your winding path through life.

Until then,
Adios amigos
Feliz Navidad
God Bless
Photo: Raymond de Cambra, Anthony Lucky, Bro. Gabriel Mokveld, Gordon Lang, all taken in 1982
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , Milk ad guilt
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0 (212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Circular No 135

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad
and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 05 of June 2004. Circular No. 135
Dear Friends,
Here I am including a set of emails that have not been included before.
From:"timothy" <>
Date: 12 May 18:32 (PDT)


I thought I might try to add, where class members from 1958, are now living as an extra. Again, maybe some other guys may be able to update and be more accurate.


The Abbey School
Class of 1958
Compiled by Ricardo Figuera and Tim Mew May 2004.
1] Hopkins Trinidad. Day Student?
2] Millard Howell. Trinidad. Day Student?
3] Luciano Savorgnan. Venezuela. ?
4] Marcel Gomes. British Guiana. Canada
5] Peacock. Trinidad. ?
6]** Tim Mew. British Guiana. Australia
7]** Urbano de Fedak Venezuela
8] Johnson Trinidad. ? ?
9]** Azier Atela. Venezuela
10]** Terry Vieira. Guyana
11]** Roberto Bodington. Venezuela
12]** Isias Farcheg. Venezuela
13] Christopher Webster. Trinidad. ?
14]** Maroth de Marothy. Venezuela
15]** Norman Gabriel Trinidad. Trinidad
16] Geoffrey Xavier. Trinidad. ?
17] Fr. Martin. Parish Priest, visiting from San Fernando?
18] Brian Bishop. England [?] I heard he died but not sure
19]** Ricardo Figuera. Venezuela
20] James Wilson. Trinidad. Day Student. ?
21]** Roberto Lipavsksy. Venezuela
Those underlined and with ** have been located, the rest shall be placed in the WANTED list.
From: "timothy" <>
Date: 8 May 23:11 (PDT)


Working on the class of 1958 photo for names, as asked by you.

[In the pictures below]

I am very sure #2 is Norman Gabriel from Trinidad.

No 3 is Fr. Ildephonse [?][scout master ] and the guy with no number looking away, maybe Ishias Farchez.

I do not recognize/remember any others.

The single photo looks like myself, but the memory dims!! Check the class photo and see if you agree.

From your circular 131, Ricardo Figuera in Caracas got in touch with me and vice versa, so a great surprise.

Over the coming months I will be able to reach other members of class 1958, including Maroth de Marothy, who I notice is the new Webmaster and about to retire.

Many thanks,
Tim Mew [Australia ]
From: "timothy" <>
Date: 22 May 17:19 (PDT)

Hi Ladislao,
If you find any mistakes or have new info on the list for Class 1958, I would be glad to hear from you.
I am pleased to be of some assistance to you.
I am sorry, I can not help with William as I have not had any contact for years, but he was two years ahead of me, so should be in Class 1956.
Ricardo Figuera has been in touch with me, since I made contact with your newsletter and I hope to reach many more classmates with info from him soon.
Stay well,

PS: Please send a picture of you & family if you can, as I am going to try to put together a Folder / CD with photos of Abbey Students for my family.
From: "Ladislao kertesz" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:10 AM

Dear Tim,
Thank you for the names, I shall check the list and include it in Circular 134.
Can I ask you for William?? I do not have his address. or graduation year.
Thank you for contributing to the articles.
God Bless
On Thu, 13 May 2004 11:32:50 +1000, "timothy" wrote:

I thought I might try to add, where class members from 1958, are now living as an extra.
Again, maybe some other guys may be able to update and be more accurate.
Here is a copy of a letter from Fr. Cuthbert, written in 1982:

News are news.

Thank a lot for the Scouters.

How is your home pack doing?

Summer almost there so time for camp and hike.

The Mount stayed inside for the press was on strike and the printer (Fr. Augustine) had a troublesome stomach.

Here the reason for two edition (you see how we can produce if necessary!) and no. 45 and 46 are under the scrutinizing eyes of the editor.

Fr. Bernard is in Holland and seems to do quite well. He even tries to write his address.

Fr. Adelbert is mostly with the archbishop solving (or dissolving or absolving) marriages, any problems don't see him.

Fr. Ildephons had an accident on his bike last month, he looked like one from a Dracula film, but he is again O.K.

He does not know what happened, may be he blacked out, if so he really escaped serious injuries.

The Old boys (and the not so old boys) are still in the coma. All my efforts to get some life in them are so far in vain.

Maybe I have to use some RNG equipment, have to see the branch manager.

This is exam times so you can well imagine the atmosphere, like worked-out oil on a hot plate.

Bernard Lange is preparing the graduation at Holiday Inn!

Next month our bakery will be modernized. The old oven of St. Aubles and the American Base are going on pension: They use too much current(s) in relation to their production. Besides TnTEC provides intermittent shocks (A.C.). We will try gas (join the oil product users).

Chambers is doing well, he is one of the few not on work to earn (old name is: go-slow in Latin, festina lente!.

As a good P.L. (Papa leader) and thank God the choir can use you (better something, than nothing).

Keep well, kind regard and God blessing all.

Fr. Cuthbert
Millard Howell
Luciano Savorgnan
Marcel Gomes
Christopher Webster
Geoffrey Xavier
Brian Bishop
James Wilson
From your response, I believe that there should be a REWARD applied for the information, just like in the Old Wild West. And above all, we hope that the information would be positive, such as Live and Well!!!!.
I believe that I have finally Phillip Nassief but awaiting confirmation.
God Bless
Photo: By Roberto Bodington, File0001d4 150 15, file0001d3 150 15. Remember to enclose
names for the faces so that I may write them on the photo.
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , sorry but since this is sent out late, no article.
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.