Friday, December 31, 2004

Notes for Mount Boys visiting this Blog

1. Total Circulars: There were 52 Circulars issued by Ladislao in the year 2004. No 113 was the first, and No 164 was the last.

2. Viewing Circulars: Only the last four are on the home page. Click on on the arrow next to the month in Archives in the column on the right to see the ones for that month. You can read each of the earlier ones, together with any comments posted by readers, by clicking on its headline in Archives. You are, of course, free to download the Circulars to your computer for reading at your leisure.

3. Copying Photos: You can save any photo to your own computer by right-clicking on it and saving it to a suitable folder in your computer. Or, you go to the "file" button in the top left hand corner of your screen, and go to "save as" to do the same thing.

4. Making Comments: At the foot of each Circular there is a place for you to be able to make a "Comment" on the contents. If you recognise a face in a photo, or something similar, that you want to write about, just click on "comments" at the foot of the appropriate Circular and enter your remarks in the window that opens. In order to prevent strangers from posting nonsense and spam, I have set it so that I have to moderate and publish the comments. Anyone who would like to join as a moderator is welcome. [Note: Due to the amount of spam I have disabled this feature for the earlier years. Sorry.]

Happy Reading.


Saturday, December 25, 2004

Circular No 164

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 25 of December 2004. Circular No. 164

Dear Friends,

I am sorry to inform you that in the files received from Arthur Knaggs, BULL No. 10 is missing.
Can anyone help with a copy???
So instead I am going to send a copy of some of the letters that would have made this Bull No.10.
Remember to send in comments in case you would like to add, delete or modify anything that is being sent.

Need information on the ALUMNI that are to be mentioned, I do not have all the email addresses and telephones, or even the wellbeing for some of them.

So here is the first letter:

Dear Arthur,

Received the O.A.S.I.S. through Ainsley.
The present Rotarians of S/Fdo decided to form a second Rotary Club with a dinner meeting, as the present ones is a luncheon meeting, and I am a member of this new Club, and see AINSLEY quite often.
A bit of sad news, if not reached you as yet, Father Leo past away on Monday 31st Jan 83, I enclose a clipping from T’dad Guardian.
It was very sad, as the church he built in La Romain is completed, but father was still trying to do more.
How is Valentine and the children? Give my love.
We are all fine.
Spent Christmas in B’dos with mum.
Things are brightening up at the Hotel, hope they keep going like that.
Not to much happening these days in T’dad, the oil fields are very slow, but as you know I now work for WIMCO Ltd, and we do not do too much with the oil companies.
Our medical sales, welding and tractor undercarriage parts are doing pretty O.K.
The line pipe business is slow,
I hope Texaco and the government can solve their problems and get things going again.
LAWRENCE MACAULAY is fine, and I believe business is good with him.
MIKE AMES is no longer with Texaco, formed a new company. Mike, ERNEST WILLIAMS and MIKE MAHABIR, Machine Shop Work.
Mike is building a house in Palmiste, just behind mine.
Derick and Pat Tempro are back in T’dad at Mayaro.
I notice you got promotion, keep it up.
Today is my birthday, 35 years.
God bless you all
Steven Tempro

(Who is Ainsley?? Ed.)
Dec.5 1982

I cannot believe that Christmas is upon us again!
I have come to the conclusion that the older you get the faster time goes by.
When I was young I was bored, so much time, nothing to do.
Sorry I have not written sooner.
Enclosing is my check for $10.00,
I do not know what kind of response you got.
Hope it was good.
Apparently it was not, as I have not seen a recent bulletin from you.
I have thought about some sort of Old Boys Reunion, especially for us living here in North America.
Have you?.
Apparently you did not receive my Christmas card last year as I see you left DAVID DE CASTRO´s address out.
I do not know what he is doing these days.
He is still crazy as when you and I know him in school, and loves to play the Quattro and sing calypso.
My eldest child (daughter) is 22,
My 2nd Nicolas will be 21 this month and is married 2 years.
My 3rd (girl) has graduated from high school and is attending college here in Lakeland.
2 more girls, one in High and one in Junior, 15 + 13.
I am not a grandfather yet.
Have no desire to be even thought I am 50 going on 51.
Have you seen IAN SHOUL recently?
Have not heard word from him in over a year.
Still remember those wonderful old days we had together.
Have not been to Antigua in 12 years.
Left Trinidad 9 years ago, never been back.
Was in the Cayman Islands in 1979, great vacation spot.
Mother, Duncan and Peter still live in Lakeland.
Blanca remarried and now lives in Pennsylvania.
Inflation + underemployment is eating us up.
14 Nov 81

Dear Art from Dart,
Received both your letters of contact and now making the effort to reply, among others.
I am still with the same wife and 3 children.
The eldest is working on a rig in Trinidad, the second at boarding school in UK and the last, a girl 13, preparing to attend boarding school in Australia, next year.
We have been in Abu Dhabi for 6 ½ years, our second foreign assignment since leaving Trinidad in 1968.
Previous to this, I was 6 ½ years in Peru.
Perhaps it is time to move again.
We are still citizens of T&T but intend migrating to Australia (Perth) in 1983.
Time alone will confirm the degree of successes of this plan.
Life in Abu Dhabi is acceptable; the good points far outweigh the bad.
Only complains really are the weather in the hot months, and the somewhat restricted quality of life.
Better, however, than any other area in the Middle East.
An old Mountie, Robert Anderson (after the Class of 1949) lives here as well.
Perhaps you may care to write him.
Can’t promise to maintain too steady a correspondence, as the pressure of my own affairs do consume more than the time I really care to spend on them.
This makes extra letter writing more than a serious effort.
However will do what I can to keep in touch.
Also intend visiting Trinidad early net year.
Perhaps for my last Carnival.
Just remember LAERY O´CONNOR and RICHARD who also live in Perth.
You should be able to obtain their address from ANTHONY LLANOS.
Thanks again for your letters.
Will look forward to others as long they come out.

Dear Arturo,
I have received January O.A.S.I.S. for December 1982 and have enjoyed it as usual.
I am enclosing my contribution of $10.00 as requested.
Since I wrote you last week, nothing sensational has happened are our way, except a Major fire in P.O.S.
The fire of 25 Jan which destroyed almost the entire block between Henry and Charlotte St. in lower Independence Square- Arson suspected as usual.!!
Carnival is in the air, February 15, 16 to be exact and as usual despite recession etc.
Trinis are striking, their habit as usual without any apparent cares in the world.
Regards to all the family
Chris Krogh
5 January 1983

Dear Arthuro and family,
I got the shock of my life last night when I saw my letter returned and why, well it seems the address was off and you are not notorious amongst the police.
I am sending it again, this time under cover of this letter; maybe it will reach this year.
Well, we went with the Jolly Roger and it was jolly, though the financial success was not that hot.
As you see from the date above, we are in the New Year and so I wish you all a happy, blessed and prosperous New Year, with all fun and happiness the Good Lord and yourselves can supply.
We were supposed to have started school already but St. John Road is closed for it is open (a bridge give away and so the whole section collapsed), they are working at it and hope to finish sufficiently to pass by midday today.
You see in this kindness the Lord give us till Sunday to recuperate from all our prayers and feting.
He also blesses us with plenty of rain.
Fr. Paul returned last week to Holland where he is living in a home for the retired missionaries.
Abbot Bernard is trying to enjoy his new way of living in the Monastery, the new wing (where the old wooden corridor was) was occupied by the New Year.
Fr. Peter is almost back to his old youth.
Mr. Willy Carter and Miss Kitty Marcus are in St. Peter’s Home for the aged (built to the north of our Sports Field).
Fr. Ildefons is charismatically driving his motorbike all over the island.
The marriage encounter had a big rally here at the end of November and quite a few past Abbey School boys are actively involved.
They are trying to catch me, but I cannot find the right nun as yet, for I don’t want to encounter marriage.
But how are you all doing??
I hope as well as it can be, keeping cool and behaving like good scouts.
May God bless you and your work.
You must be wondering if Mount still exists.
Well now you know, otherwise this letter would not have been written and consequently the postman (or post lady) would not have delivered same at your home.
As it is we are still going on.
The influx of student is less for the school fees are getting very high (my salary is still only board and lodge). Sunday we had our scout investitures: 7 scouts became Venture Scouts and 14 boys joined the troop.
All this happened after a weekend camp at the back of the sports field.
Even the drum and bugle band could be heard from far.
BROTHER FRANCIS does a marvellous job and BERNARD LANGE is still ruling the Venture Scouts, though he teaches at St. Joseph College.
Maybe you heard about the “Jolly Roger” cruise which existed for some time in Barbados and now also exists in Trinidad and Mr. RUSSEL CUNHA is P.R.
So we the scouts of the 2nd Mt. St. Benedict rented the boat with crew, food and drink for Saturday 27th Nov. 1982, hoping to make it jolly and financially profitable.
For our parent Committee wants to send 3 leaders and 17 scouts to the world Jamboree in Canada next year (maybe you heard about the Jamboree from your friends) a rather ambitious scheme, but for them realistic.
A pity the Jamboree is not in Nova Scotia.
By the way I returned from Holland still the same (+5 pounds).
Abbot Bernard is now back in his wheel chair, happy to be back and Fr. Peter seems to get back all his energy.
Happily I have to stop, space is lacking and my time is running out.
Best wishes and lots of blessing to all of you.
I have restarted sending the Circulars. So start writing, Make this your New Years resolution.


God Bless

Photo:.Roberto Bodington, photo 2b1 and 2b2, please make comments on the photos.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Circular No 163

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Caracas, 18 of December 2004. Circular No. 163
Dear Friends,
I am back again!!!
I know that most of you by now have been feeling relaxed after having opened your mail boxes, Thank God, no Circulars to delete!!! Maybe some have even looked into the trash bin, where the unwanted mail gets, but again no Circulars. But there were those that have written inquiring about my health, noticing the lack of these Newsletters, I can confirm that at least for the time being I shall keep sending out these Circulars, until there is nothing more to inform or reprint messages that you want me to send out.

The reason for my shortcoming is that I have been travelling all over the country these last four weeks doing multiple trips by pickup truck and two technicians, specialized technicians that climb 300 foot communication towers. It took us four weeks to repair and install obstruction lighting on 10 towers belonging to the local Petroleum Company, PDVSA. These were located all over the country, from the Guajiras (north of the Lake of Maracaibo), to the Andes; then to Puerto Piritu in the orient and finally in the Peninsula of Paraguana. The total trip of about 5000km just ran my creative powers down to a minimum, although I was back in Caracas every weekend, I just could not bear to sit in front of the computer. Thank you for the letters of encouragement, I never would have thought that these Circulars would be missed.

During my short stay in Maracaibo, I met with Roberto Bodington, he has health problems with one of his legs, uses crouches to move about. Also I met Pablo Castellani, who has not been able to get a decent construction job these last two years, he sees the possibility of an interesting foreman's job in with a large construction company in Aruba!, hope he gets it. I was not lucky with Rafael Echeverria, we talked by telephone and I tried to meet him but not luck, he was at the moment in a very important law case. Maybe next time when I get to Maracaibo???

I am going to send the missing Circulars before New Years as all unfinished business must be concluded before 2005. This Circular is going to be short but I must send it out today as next week, who knows how much running around I have to do to satisfy Santa.

Since it is one week before Christmas, I do wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and that all your wishes would come true, together with the required good health to do it
Commentary Christmas. 12 th December 2001. Worth reading!!

Every year we celebrate the Christmas season, it is a season of goodwill and peace, a season when we concentrate on our families, our friends and our relatives, we exchange gifts, consume enormous amounts of alcohol and food at the many parties almost everyone has during the season. We decorate our homes, we paint and renovate them, since we have to invite our friends over to celebrate the season with us, and we want to impress them.

Some grumps, who think that all this good will and celebrating is a waste of time and consider it the biggest hoax in the history of the world, too commercialized to be truly reflective of its original intent, are of course welcome to that view.

The celebration of Christmas has its roots in the celebration of the birth of the Christ child. The beginning of Christianity. There are 2.1 Billion Christians on the planet nearly a billion of them Catholics, nearly one third of the population of the planet.

The Christian religion tells us that we must love each other, do good to those who persecute us, and turn the other cheek. And that we must have goodwill and peace to all men. It is important to remember all of this goodwill and peace business in view of what I will outline for you next. And I am speaking here from 31 years of experience in these matters.

Unfortunately, as laudable as all of this is, it is a time of the year which most of US, MEN, secretly hate. Goodwill to all men turns out to mean goodwill to all women and the children.
We men first become aware of the Christmas feeling when we come home from work around the 9th of December and find the entire house in total disarray. Our wives have decided that they must BREAK UP the house for Christmas and all the furniture is piled up in a corner and you have nowhere to sit, if you, like me, like your afternoon siesta you discover that your cozy dark bedroom, now devoid of all curtains, is too bright for a proper lunchtime nap, you also discover that YOU are required to climb up in the most inaccessible parts of your house, since the ladies can't, and help to cobweb and wipe the walls, the ceiling and the windows.

You are then reminded that you will have to find several thousand dollars, you cannot afford, buying gifts for people you really do not like and you know that you will have to listen to the fall out of this exercise until the middle of the next year, that so and so, and THAT SO and SO got a present from US for three thousand dollars and they only bought US a present for one thousand dollars. It is very important to remember this ladies and gentlemen, only the good Lord in heaven will help you if you reciprocate with a present which is cheaper than the one you got, and believe me, prices are checked very carefully.

We men have to work harder at Christmas because we have to earn more to clean up and fix everything. We are for example presented with all of the old Christmas tree lights along with the old tree and we have to make sure that all of it works. Your wife, you very quickly realize, does not care if the lights are not working, you realize that it is a matter of complete indifference to her, that, if only one bulb becomes displaced in the packing up operation after the last Christmas, YOU have to spend 4 hours lying on the floor trying to get the things to work. Tell me men, Did you ever notice that all the adapters you had last Christmas which you thought was packed away with the lights last year, are now missing, so there is no way that you can put the lights on the tree without taking ISO bars from your favourite stereo player or your computer to make the tree work, and it does not matter if your stereo and your computer does not work anymore, only the tree is important!!! In all of the financial planning that goes into the Christmas operation, not one cent is usually allocated to the purchase of new lights, and why should it? we men have to make the old ones work. How so many new lights are sold at Christmas time, is still a mystery to me perhaps some men after fighting with the old one for two-three days throws them out the window, Of course on Christmas day when we men accompany our wives and our children to the tree to see what Santa [YOU] brought for Christmas, you discover that you got nothing. You ask yourself how could I possibly have forgotten to buy ME, anything?

After everything is cleaned in the house you now discover that YOU have to help to put all the furniture back in place, have any of us men actually ever asked where the manpower required to pile up all of this furniture in one corner of the house came from in the first place? Even those of us who are lucky enough to have domestic help, have you noticed that the ladies can pile up all of the furniture in a corner but that YOU have to help to put it back? I wonder what the incidence of hernia among men is in December?

So by the 18th of December your house is now in perfect order and ready for the season, you are exhausted but relieved that all of the climbing and lifting is over. If you think that you can now relax and watch TV, think again! You have to write cards, you have to help in the decisions of who will get what gift... you have to have a response to ridiculous questions like "do you think that Kim's baby will like this gift?" you discover that you and your wife have family which you did not even know you had, or care about.

Now we come to the most dangerous exercise of Christmas, men, the question of the various dresses that will have to be worn for the many functions during the season!!!! It is a matter of total indifference to most men what we have to wear for Christmas and whether we wore this or that pants or shirt last year to this or that function and whether, so or so will remember that we wore it. I don't care if my brother Eddy thinks that I have only one shirt, not so the ladies.
So the fashion show begins, pretending to be interested in the proceedings, since you do not want a war on your hands or to sleep on the couch which is now dusted and clean, you are required to pass judgement on whether this or that dress for Christmas eve night, Christmas night, old years night, so and so's party are NICE, now we are talking about at least six outfits here men, so this can be a protracted exercise.

And you better pay attention, this is dangerous ground, you have to know that certain observations regarding this ritual are completely unacceptable, observations like "that is a little too tight" is out of the question, even if she put on 15 pounds since last Christmas, you have to be cautious, you resort to the cowardly path "it looks great babe but didn't you wear that one, eight months ago and the GIRLS saw you in it" that is always a good strategy. This ritual can go on for days and of course new dresses will have to be gotten and judgement will have to be passed on those as well, but here again extreme caution must be exercised, one wrong word can precipitate a war and destroy the season of peace, at no time must the words gravity or drooping be even contemplated much less mentioned.

You realize that fighting with the old Christmas tree lights and the cob webbing was actually relaxation compared to this. Especially when the shoes and the bags have to match, I love the one when they tell us that quote "I want to look my best for YOU". Now we know that this is a complete fabrication men, but we bite our tongues and nod our appreciation. We need to have a lot of good cheer indeed, to get through this season men, I guess that that is why we all get drunk on Christmas Eve and old year's nights, we deserve it too, indeed we have earned it.

But seriously now, ladies and gentlemen, my wife's name is Jewel, she is arguably one of the most exotically beautiful women in the country, she is my whole life and despite our age difference she understands me better than anyone I have ever known, she is my best friend and to her and the two beautiful children we have, I would like to tell them that I do not just love them, I cannot conceive of life without them. I only have one other son living here, Anthony Jr. and I extend season's greetings to him also.

To the rest of my audience I would like to extend the most heartfelt greetings and best wishes for the season and for the New Year. To you men who can relate to what I have laid out here, I offer you my sympathy.

We have problems, of that there is little question, but we make do with what we have, we give thanks and try harder, Dale Carnegie once said, that he was sad because he had old shoes until he saw a man who had no feet. Let us thank the Lord for what we DO have, and let us celebrate the season by remembering that it is a season of goodwill, peace and love to all men and women.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you and yours.

Tony Vieira
- Thank you Tony for your timely seasonal account. This was published in Circular No. 59
God Bless
Photo:.Primera Comunion 1 (Kertesz family)
Column: dbratt , Best toys for your child

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Circular No 162

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 11 of December 2004. Circular No. 162
Dear Friends,

Here is an article that was sent to me by Fr. Abbot, regarding the Yogurt factory at the Mt.St.Benedict. The attached photos by Anthony Harris and the article by Michelle Loubon.

Those in Trinidad are enjoying the wonderful product.
Here in Venezuela are hoping the once production increases we can also taste it.

This is the first Circular being sent using the semiautomatic method.
So down to the Story:

Dutch monk Cuthbert van de Sande, "the brain behind the yogurt," samples sour sop in the chiller of a small factory on the grounds of the Mt St Benedict Abbey, St John's Road, St Augustine.
Tobago will soon get a taste of Pax yogurt from the monks of Mt St Benedict in St Augustine.
Maxim de Comarmonde, manager of Pax Yogurt Company Limited, was buoyed by the response he got from hotels last Wednesday.
"A lot of hotels are interested in it, especially those with German guests," he said.
"The chefs in the hotels use it for cooking.
They are very interested in it.
We did some sampling from the local company.
The tasters found it was excellent...a local company producing this neat product.
I will be going back within the next week."
Pax yogurt produces six delicious flavours: almond, guava, passion fruit, pineapple, soursop, strawberry and natural.
Vanilla is expected to be on stream by month's end.
Prior to producing yogurt, the monastery produced Pax (Latin for peace) honey on a small scale.
The monk/apiarist died and the abbey sold the hives to another priest who continued the practice.
The more successful business venture, Pax Yogurt Company, was innocently started 14 years ago in the kitchen of the Mt St Benedict monastery.
Abbot John Pereira credited former Mt St Benedict abbot Francis Alleyne, now bishop of Guyana, and Dutch monk Cuthbert van de Sande, the "brain behind the yogurt," for their pivotal roles.
Tracing the birth of the company in April 2003, Pereira said:
Yogurt making was simply an attempt to improve the diet of the monks.
It began as a "kitchen master" finding ways to improve the diet of the monks. Fr Cuthbert grew up in a dairy culture.
He also makes fine goat cheese.
It is sold to the embassies.
Then, we started to sell the yogurt to friends.
We opened up a little outlet in the front.
We started getting orders.
Suddenly, we had to think of a way to respond to this trend.
Little by little, it was catching on throughout the length of the island.
Soon, the abbey invested in a refrigerated vehicle to meet the demand of Hi-Lo, Tru Valu and Xtra Foods supermarkets.
A half-litre of the signature health food fetches between $10 and $11, and a litre, $21.

News from Guyana

From: "Guyana Benedictines"
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 18:16:56 -0300

Dear Lazslo,
Thanks for your on-going articles about the Mount.
Two notes:
1. Fr. John Chrysostom Lee Sing (notice, no 'h' in the spelling of Sing;it's Chinese not Indian).
2. Bro. Robert (Wilfred) John left the monastery, got married, and fathered a family. Then his wife died of cancer and he went back to the Seminary and was ordained a Diocesan Priest two years ago. Isn't that something?
All the best,
Bro. Paschal Jordan, OSB
(Joined 17 Aug. 1964; professed 08 Sep. 1966; sent to Guyana to open a new monastery, 16 Dec. 1988 together with Fr. Maurus Superville - who has since left and married an Amerindian lady, and returned to Trinidad.)
Now some bits of information on Fr. Abbot of the years 1960s

Here is the annunciation of an award given to him

Van Duin, Adelbert (Rt. Rev.) - O.S.B.
Lord Abbot, Mount St. Benedict
The Abbot's successions, this news was taken paper, maybe someone might remember the date??

Old Abbot van Duin, from Holland, once the man in charge of Abbey at Mount St Benedict, had suffered with his heart. When he retired he was succeeded by Abbot Hildebrandt, then Abbot Francis.
A letter from Fr. Adelbert van Duin.

7 of July 1982.

Greetings from the Old Mount Inside!
I was in Holland earlier this year, I met with Fr. Bernard.
His speech has not improved.
The burns he suffered last year he is unable to stand and so is confined to a wheel chair.
He is in a rehabilitation centre where they are giving him therapy to see if they can make him able to walk.
It seems he will be coming back in September to the Mount.
He surely is carrying a heavy cross!
You will remember him specially, I am sure.
When last you visited T´dad, you give me some book-markers with Teen-agers 10 Commandments printed on it. As I have passed that age unfortunately! I gave them away and people have been asking if I had more of them.
On your next visit or in some other way, could you bring some of them if possible?
Thanks a million in advance.
God´s abundant blessing be with you and your Family!.
Very best wishes and kindest regards.

Adalbert van Duin

(Dear reader, please send me information on Fr. Adelbert, there is so little for now. Ed.)
So one more Circular, just before Christmas.
Hope that you would have a merry Christmas with lots of health and family reunions.
Snow where there should be snow, and for us here in the tropics, lots of sunshine.

God Bless
Photo: Fr. Adelbert van Duin, Fr. Cuthbert 2004, pax yogurt, symbol yogurt, Fr. Cuthbert 2002.
Column: dbratt ,

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Circular No 161

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 4 of December 2004. Circular No. 161
Dear Friends,

I am going to send this Circular with news of Richard Driver, from Canada.
Maybe you could be in the next issue of the Circular??.

Also I have been told that you have been missing some issues that have gone out blank.
This is possible as I have told you I am experimenting with five servers, Hotmail, Yahoo, Icqmail, Cantv, and Netscape.
The Hotmail addresses go out by Hotmail.
Yahoo and Aol by Yahoo.
The Netscape is being used for Wow, Opus, Trinidad, Carib-link etc. those living in TT.
The Cantv server is for Venezuelan guys.
And Icq is for the rest.

If you chat with your friends ask them about the newest Circular, it could be that you are not getting the Circulars, please inquire.
Maybe you have not paid the dues, 50 words per year!!!.
From: "rdriver" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:26:59 -0700

Hi Ladislao,
I guess you have shamed me into putting in my 2 bits.
It has been quite while since I last wrote, basically, just lazy.
I retired 2 years ago after 42 years with NCR in Guyana, Suriname, and Canada.
Now I volunteer a couple days a week at the local Food Bank, also do Meals on wheels with my wife.
Living here on the West coast of Canada, I see very few West Indians and far fewer MSB old timers, Bruce Peter (1950's) the exception.
Some years ago on a trip to the Maritime museum with a few visitors from Toronto, I was approached by a lady who asked if we were from T'dad. I explained we were from Guyana, but that I had connections with T'dad, my mother a Trinidadian, I also lived there for a few years in the mid fifties, and did spend a few years at MSB.
She then mentioned she had a cousin/uncle who was a priest there, Fr. Leesing.
That brought back quite a few memories, some quite "painful" as he administered justice after some "infraction", getting caught picking mangoes unlawfully, Smoking, (haven't touched one since) etc.
I also remember he was pretty good at marbles.
Thanks to your bulletins I was able to find Fr. Hildebrand back in Guyana.
Thanks for everything.

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 05:31:03 -0700 (PDT)
To: "rdriver" <>

Dear Richard,
Thank you for the lines.
I am glad you bumped into the lady. It got me a story.
Remember that the letters you write to others can also be a good source for the Circular.
Just write them in such a way that they can be used without editing.
But you still owe me for the Circulars !!!
No money please but the name of your classmates and those that you remember from your time.
Were there air scouts whose leader was Fr. Leo???
Exactly when did you graduate Form V, no matter in which school.
Fr. Bernard was your teacher??
Did you know Anthony Lucky, John skinner?
Of the clergy in the anniversary photo, whom do you remember?
What did they do ?
Now with all the questions I am sure you can pay me back with a few hundred letters.
God Bless
From: "rdriver" <> View Contact Details
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 15:06:01 -0700

Hi Ladislao,
you may be sorry you got me started, however, here are 2 email addresses:
Benedict Lopes,
Bruce Peter
Benedict is a lawyer in Toronto, Bruce lives just outside Vancouver BC, he is retired but does some consulting.
Think he's a structural engineer.
From: "rdriver" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:30:36 -0700

Hi Ladislao,
Just look at the BBC news, quite a fire in your neck of the woods.
Got this article from today's Trinidad Guardian. (about the story on MSB)
Re Bruce Peter, I see him occasionally, but don't know John Skinner, is he in Vancouver?
From: "rdriver" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:07:55 -0700

Hi Lazslo,
The article was in the "features" section of the online Guardian on Sunday 17th.

From: lazslo kertesz
To: rdriver
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 6:08 PM

Thank you, Richard,
What was the name of the article you sent, I tried to look it up but no luck.
John Skinner 1948/49 is in uk.
God bless
Ladislao Kertesz
rdriver <> wrote:

Hi Ladislao,
Just look at the BBC news, quite a fire in your neck of the woods.
Got this article from today's Trinidad Guardian.
Re Bruce Peter, I see him occasionally, but don't know John Skinner, is he in Vancouver?
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 17:06:36 -0700 (PDT)
To: "rdriver" <>

Dear Richard,
It is not true that you do not have MSB neighbours. There are some:
we have one in Saskatchewan, others in BC,
Need the email of Bruce, Peter, I suppose Peter is the first name?
If you want to contact them?
Thank you for the lines
Did you know John Skinner?
God Bless
Here is some of the older correspondence.

From: Richard Driver <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 16:13:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ladislao,
Your “newsletters'" as they come in, have lots of the names I know, mainly from living in T'dad. in the '50's, however your one before last had an article on the Benedictines in Bartica, Guyana, there I came across the name of an old (Long-time) school friend from Guyana. Fr. Kevin Hildebrand Green and I knocked around together quite a bit. I knew he was at MSB but hadn't seen him for close to 50 years. We are now it touch again, with him in Bartica, and me in Vancouver C'da.
Email works wonders.
Thanks again
I'm sending you an email address for Bruce Peter (from St Lucia) and was at Mount in the '50s
Regards to all
Richard Driver.
From: Richard Driver <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:46:12 -0800 (PST)

Hi Las, I left MSB in49?? it was really interesting getting your email, (nearly didn't open it, glad I did).
Going through your list brought back many memories.
I have forwarded the email to some people I remember, and whose names I don't see.
Like I said, I left in '49 (form 1?) and went back to Guyana and finished school there.
I now live in British Columbia, C'da. with my wife Pauline and two "kids", my daughter Catherine 27, lives in Vancouver, and my son Mark 24, lives in Toronto.
I just retired after 42 years at NCR corp.
Hey, how did you find my email address?
Hope you and your Family have a very Merry Christmas and all the best for '03.
Thanks again.
Richard Driver.
I hope to get out the New Years issue on time, please help!!
I have made my resolution early.

God Bless

Photos: By Roberto Bodington, please identify the photos, send photo number
and names, year? 161a, 161b
Column: dbratt , for the mothers