Saturday, April 24, 2004

Circular No 129

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 24 of April 2004. Circular No. 129
Dear Friends,
And now for the splendid news, the O.A.S.I.S. files. Here is the exchange on how the files changed hands. But what about the MOUNT INSIDE Bulletin??? Are there any copies at MSB? Or has anyone a few copies at hand after so many years??? And would like me to resend to your friends???
But to the matter at hand, here is the story on how the O.A.S.I.S. files got to Venezuela. ****I would like to apologize if the emails sometimes have possible grammatical faults (I read and re-read the emails but sometimes these have sensitive and sensible information which I might not recognize and so cannot correct or eliminate) but be sure that I always strive to send out the information just as I get it.****
From: "Nigel P. Boos" <>
Date: 31 Mar 10:15 (PST)
To: Art & Val Knaggs <>

Thank you for your kind note.
I'm sure that Ladislao will be thrilled to receive your package of O.A.S.I.S file info, as it'll give him years of reading matter with which to compile his stories. All the guys will benefit from it as well, so, on behalf of everyone who had been privileged to pass through the halls of MSB, thank you for preserving the memories for us. Las, please note that Art does not intend to cash Bernard Stone's cheque, so there's no need to seek any form of reimbursement from the fellas. As you will note, the cheque will not be cashed. Maybe Arthur is going to frame it - I would! But thanks anyway. The gesture was well appreciated.
Best wishes,
On Mar 31, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Art & Val Knaggs wrote:

Dear Nigel,
Just a little note to let you know that I received your letter re O.A.S.I.S. and thank you for your kind words and great wishes.
I had already mailed the package to Ladislao, as Val & I decided that it would be a tribute to the marvellous efforts of those who picked up the "ball" and ran with it. I hope that Ladislao has received the package, and we will not be processing the enclosed cheque. My days at "The Mount" were and are a host of tremendous memories (especially spiritual) and it accounts for me being still here today. The great "Man" upstairs must have some plan for me yet, so here am I, still hanging in there for whatever is put on my plate. You have played a great part in my efforts for always encouraging me over the latter years of the newsletter and I thank you for that. Keep in touch, and when we drop in to Toronto around the end of June I will give you a call so that we can get together.
In the meantime, all the very best, may The Good Lord continue to influence you.
From: "Art & Val Knaggs" <>
Date: 4 Mar 16:21 (PST)
Subject: OASIS Files

Hopefully you should have gotten the OASIS Files which I posted, so let me know when they arrive please.
All else is fine and I am still trying to get a few more addresses for you of the "Older Group".
Do you have an e-mail for Fr. Cuthbert or The Abbey? Would love to get it.
You and your group are doing a marvellous job at keeping the ship from sinking, and sharing all these wonderful memories.
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 4:45AM

I am quite unable at this time to offer Arthur the help you have suggested. I can still go through Bernard Stone, but I doubt that this will save much time. Please advise me how you'd like me to proceed. Re. my own OASIS files, I have been unable to find them as yet, but in any case, Arthur's originals are the BEST source for all this information. If I do ever find them and you still want them, you can certainly have them.
On Jan 14, 2004, at 11:33 AM, Ladislao Kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
The reason is that since Arthur has had difficulties with getting hold of a computer, etc. I do not want him to spend the amount which might unbalance his budget, while I mail him my check. I know that one of you could afford the wait of time while the transaction, the mailing and my sending the check. This necessary lapse of time should not be a burden to him, for the above reasons. The idea is that he mails the package and next day he is reimbursed locally, an easy transaction within Canada.
I know that you would like to cooperate so that is why I am asking you, I do not know Bernard Stone. Also it would be nice if you could include your archives, that you offered me some time ago.
God bless
From : Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:24 PM

I got to thinking. Why not just send a US$ cheque to Art Knaggs directly, rather than have to reimburse Bernard Stone? Surely, that is easier and eliminates duplication? What do you think?
By the way the US equivalent is US$125.00 at this time.
Wish I could be of more help to you.
On Jan 13, 2004, at 7:14 AM, Ladislao Kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
Now that the deal is on, please tell me how much the cost in USD is?
My bank is Bank of America and it is not in CAD.
Thank you for your diligence.
God Bless
From: Nigel Boos
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:20:11 -0500

I've asked Bernard Stone to cover the cost at approx CAD $165.00, understanding that he will be reimbursed.
He has agreed to do so, and I have contacted Arthur to advise him.
Arthur's address, to which you can send a replacement cheque, is: 2 Dubonnet Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2X 2V3, Canada and his phone number is 902-462-6749.
Keep up the good work.
On Jan 10, 2004, at 9:03 AM, Ladislao Kertesz wrote:

Dear Nigel,
From the email that I sent Art on the famous box of OASIS files, you can perceive that the problem might be
1) Weight and size
2) Costs.
I would like to propose to you that since you are closer to Art, you can help me in forwarding the money to him for the shipment. I can then reimburse you with a check of the Bank of America that I will make out in your name. The check would be in USD. Would you trust me, in this transaction? I do not want Art to scan the paper and photos, as this takes time ( I know this
from experience) and then maybe the scanning is not detailed enough for me to use?,when I repair, improve, etc. the material in Photoshop.
Please your suggestions??
God Bless
From: "Art & Val Knaggs"
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 13:36:24 -0400

Great to be in touch again, and here is the scoop. The package is 16 x 10 x 2.25 inches and weighs app 4.5 lbs. 40 x 25 x 6 centimetres app 2 kilos. By regular mail it would be $32, by air it would be $45. Checked Fed-Ex and they want $165. All above in Can $s, a lot of moulers for an ancient, retired, scrunting, senior like me. It is one of the reasons I went out of mailing the OASIS all over the world (the cost) before e-mail. I will try and see if I can find someone to send them as attachments (photographed) or such, as I am still quite electronically challenged. I did get a computer update, but do not have internet, so am using the Library. Toss me some ideas and I will see what I can come up with.
P.S. will try and get some e-mails of oldies I know wh may be competent at this game.
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Friday, January 2, 2004 10:23 PM

Hey Las,
Guess what! We've got 'em. Art Knaggs must have got hold of a computer at last, and so he can participate in all the wonderful goings-on of our rowdy bunch. As I'd said long ago, Arthur is a mine of information for just about anything to do with the old school and the guys who passed through those hallowed halls. Arthur was also President of the Old Boys Association of long ago, and took upon himself the awesome responsibility of keeping us all in touch with one another, long before the advent of e-mail. He used Photostat copies, business cards, photographs, news items from just about anywhere, and did a fantastic job all around. His O.A.S.I.S. reports, which came through roughly 2-3 times a year, carry within them a whole lot of information about our friends and predecessors at MSB, and he has now prepared them for shipping to you. I'm not going to tell him where to ship them, in light of the state of things in Venezuela today, but I'm going to leave that up to you entirely. I'm sure that you are going to get a heck of a kick out of all this paper, and I'm sure that Arthur believes, as I do myself, that these precious documents will find a happy home in the offices and filing cabinet of one Ladislao Kertesz. I believe that you will be receiving a treasure trove of information about so many old MSB alumni, that you're going to wish you'd never started this project. But cheer up. With God all things are possible.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you and all the guys a very happy New Year.
May God bless us all.

P.S. Arthur : Thank you for getting this file together, ol' man. You've done a wonderful job over the years, and on behalf of all the old boys of the Mount, thank you so much for your undying interest. Please give me a call sometime at (905) 426-8999, and if you're ever in Ajax, let's get together for a drink and to shoot some blag. By the way, I need a recipe for sorrel wine. Got any?
Note to Ladislao: Bernard Stone (married to Maggie Mosca) celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary about 4 weeks ago. A great time was had by all.
From: "Art & Val Knaggs" <>
Date: January 2, 2004 12:50:47 PM EST

Happy New Year and all the very Best for 2004.
I have all my "Old Abbey School Interested Student" files all bundled up and ready for posting, all I need is an address?!?!
I have some writing addresses of some of the real original Mount "Oldies", but most of them are computer challenged, so no e-mail addresses. You guys are doing a magnificent and worthwhile adventure into the History and Past of 'Our Old School", and don't forget our Priests and Teachers who can contribute a great deal as well. Fr Cuthbert may like to help.
As Ever,
From: Ladislao Kertesz <>
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2004 2:06 AM

Dear Val and Art,
I have just read your email. I am glad that you got hold of a computer. Remember that if you do not receive a Circular or are missing one, please give a line to Don Mitchell, my dear friend Boxhead.
Thank you for bundling up the OASIS files, and sending me notification. How much does it weigh??? and what dimensions does it have. Since it is paper, I presume that it does weigh. I believe that the best way would be by Courier, but please send me the approximate weight so that I may make a quick calculation, as there is also the way by Air Parcel Post. Can you get an estimate by FEDEX or similar to Caracas Venezuela.
The address by the way is:
Kertesz & Kertesz C.A.,
Atn. Ladislao Kertesz
Av. San Juan Bosco
Edif. Dumas, Apto. 11, piso 2
Altamira Sur.
Caracas - Venezuela
Telf 263.5346, 267.2416
You can send it Collect which is more expensive or I can send you a check for the amount, my Bank is Bank of America. As Nigel said, things are a bit unsettled but courier is the best way. Now that we are in touch, we can exchange information readily. I would like you to inform me of your graduation date Form V so that I may place you with your classmates. I shall write you longer latter but I am all excited with the prospect of keeping the Circular for another year. Hope that we would have the same luck with the Web page this coming year.
I wish you and your family a prosperous healthy new year.
God Bless
Dear Art
Thank you for your inquiries!
From the above I would like you to send it Air Parcel Post if possible, and since it is weight and size limited. If actual packaged is out of the limits then please break it down to two boxes. The problem of scanning the material is that for me to use it adequately, the per page archives can be very large, for me to manipulate the photos, writing, etc. which then I bring to a adequate size for mailing in the circular. I shall talk to Nigel about the costs, as I do not want this to be a burden to you. You are doing us a great favour.
Hope to give you good news.
God Bless
From: Nigel Boos <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 07:42:28 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Ladislao,
I've received your last e-mail concerning the future of the web-site and must say I felt saddened by the news of the impending end to all the great memories. I'm also saddened to find that Gabby apparently does not wish to be bothered by our telephone calls or e-mail messages any longer. I believe he's simply over-worked, like myself. I had sent him an e-mail within the last 3 weeks and got no response either. Ah well. As for Arthur Knaggs, I did speak to him many months ago and found out that he does not own a computer. He can therefore access messages only when he visits his children's homes elsewhere in Nova Scotia. I do have a little suggestion, though. I happen to have preserved a number of Arthur's old O.A.S.I.S. files, which he had been accustomed to send out to the old boys years ago, (O.A.S.I.S. meant, "Overseas Abbey Students in Suspense" or something like that.) I'd be very happy to send you these records, so I'm going to see what I can do about that. With the current stat of things in Venezuela today, however, I'd be concerned whether they'd even get to you. What do you think? Also, if you'd want to receive them, please let me have your mailing address.
Keep up the good work. You're doing a fine job, and thanks for doing it.
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2003 5:36PM


Dear Nigel,
I am sorry to report that Gabby has lost the initial enthusiasm about a year ago.
Don has been trying:
1) To get someone of us to do the job.
2) To have his web manager to do it.
His offer is to pay for the first year, and then we would take care the subsequent years.
I suppose each of us would sponsor a year. I would gladly place the name of the sponsor in my Circulars.
God Bless
Caracas. 6 of October 2003.

Dear Nigel
Thank you for the bundle of information. You can send the OASIS information and what ever you feel like through courier mail like DHL, or what ever, COD I shall pay for shipping. I can scan office size paper, etc. I can then return it to you or as you wish. But I presume it would be better to return it to you in a CD disk.
God bless
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2003 3:29 AM

I'm gonna post the lot to you. Please archive them. There's no need to return them either. I just think that this could be a gold mine of information for you.
Good luck and God bless your efforts.
P.S. No news from Gabby as yet? What's going on with him, eh?
From: Nigel Boos
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 07:10:44 -0400

1. No news yet on Ian Smart. I've asked Robbie Huggins to let me have some news about him, but nothing so far.
2. O.A.S.I.S. ---- Thanks for reminding me. I'll see what I can do. Part of the problem is that they were originally printed onto "foolscap" paper - which is much larger than an 8 1/2 x 10 sheet, so each page may have to be scanned twice, to get the whole lot. Alternatively, I could just SEND you the bundle, and you can use it as you see fit. Please advise.
3. Robbie Huggins' mother died last Tuesday in Trinidad and she was buried on Saturday, September 20th. Robbie also lost his dad in October 2002. He is now the head of his family.
4. No, I've not spoken to Arthur for a LONG time. I'll let you know when I do.
5. Re Gordon and Jack Knaggs - no info, but I know Jack had retired in Trinidad from Amoco, and might have moved to Barbados, to be closer to his wife's family.
Love always,
On Sunday, September 21, 2003, at 03:58 PM,

Nothing new on Ian Smart? I still get the email returned. 403 616 5788, should have been his telf number.
Also nothing new on the O.A.S.I.S. documents?
Have you spoken to Arthur???
Do you know the email to Gregory Knaggs and Jack???
Are you getting the Circulars????
God Bless
From: Nigel Boos
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 09:14:40 -0400

Ladislao is trying to contact Ian Smart. Can you please send Ian's contact info directly to him in Venezuela, please?
Thanks, Rob.
P.S. No news from Gabby as yet? What's going on with him, eh?
So that is the story, thank God I have the complete O.A.S.I.S. files and now I need your help in locating some of the alumni that is mentioned in the O.A.S.I.S. files.
God Bless
Photos: by Robeto Bodington File0001c1 150 15 s129, file0001a13 150 15 s129
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , Child Abuse

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Circular No 128

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 of April 2004. Circular No. 128
Dear Friends,
Those of you that are missing old Circulars, please get into contact with Don,
As promised, here is a copy of the O.A.S.I.S. bulletin No. 2 by Arthur Knaggs, editor.

BULL No.2 Oct. 81
Dear Oldies,
Infancy is the period of great danger in the life of an idea, so in fast succession the bulletin No.1. of September we move on to our 2nd Edition, mainly to assure your guys that I mean business and to endeavour to rapidly locate some of the strays from "Old Mount" and get some business cards flowing in. Life is strange; -not more than 1 week after Issue No. 1, Ian Shoul arrived in
the Eastern Paradise of Nova Scotia to establish his daughter at St. Mary´s University on a Business Education course - Fantastic!. We promptly located our Old Buddy - "Shaves" Stanley "Bam" Ferguson, on the blower and had a triangular rapping session. We were also able to add Benedict Lopes (British Guiana), Desmond Littlepage (trini) and Peter Bergasse (St.Lucia) to the list, and Ian is to forward Jerome Gomes address A.S.A.P.
Since then, got a letter from John Skinner, another member of our W.B.O.L- from England, to state that he was in hospital when my letter arrived, (nothing serious) so he should be up and about shortly - rearing birds as a hobby and working in Derby. Has three kids - youngest is 15, also has Queen Guide and Edinburgh Award winner.
Tried tracking the Soodeen´s down, wrote Trevor´s mum and telephoned him today in Barrie, Otario. He is with Revenue Canada - so a very good man to know. Dr. Tryone is out in B.C. and I have his address, so hope he can give us a few names, etc. Hear Earl Kayne is out there also - wrote his sister in Ontario for his address.
Also got a fast but fabulous letter from Phillip Nassief of Dominica. He is now chairman of the Industrial Development Corporation, and is up to his "nose hole" in activities - so if you wish to establish some sort of reciprocal trade arrangement with that island - shoot Phillip a line - sure he would be most happy to hear from you.
For those of you who are unaware, Fr. Abbot Bernard suffered a serious stroke last year, and the news is that he is recovering as best as possible in Holland. Fr. Bede celebrated his Golden Anniversary of the priesthood in May 1981. Our prayers and best wishes go to him.
Bernard Lange, who is back teaching at the Mount is the one mainly responsible for the life of Mount Inside. Thanks Bernard - at least we get a little inside news. Wish you could be instrumental in reviving the Mount outside - perhaps our little news letter will do the job.
I hope to go to Trinidad in late December, and Trevor Soodeen hopes to be there in late January 1982.
Let us keep in touch. Please send me your business card!
As always,
Art from Dart,
2 Dubonnet Drive,
Dartmouth, N.S.
B2X 2V3
Tel. (902) 435.0909

(None of those mentioned in the BULL are in the mail list, can you help?? Ed.)
From here on we change from the BULL to the CIRCULAR.
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: 3 Jun 12:15 (PDT)

Hello Laszlo,
I'm willing to take over the Web page ... provided that all the costs don't fall on me ...
I spoke with Anthony Johnson about 1/1.5 years ago ... around the time I started getting your circulars ... which, by the way, are tremendously appreciated ... Anyhow, we spoke and I suggested various ways in which to pages could be improved, and I offered to help make some of those changes. He agreed but never got back to me. I sent email and got no reply, so that was that ...
I'm a professional computer programmer and although not a Webmeister, I have created many pages and am comfortable with scripting languages, HTML, etc. The first thing would be to get the files from the current site. We will need Anthony's OK for this ... Then we need to find a good Web host site ... and pay for it ... unless we can use a site already "owned" by an old Mount boy...
Thanks for all your good work ... my brother Christopher also appreciates it...
From:"De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:56:25 -0500

Hi Ladislao,
Good to hear from you ... though I must admit I remember you only dimly ... as one of us Magyars at Mount.
I'll email some more to the website address ... and will definitely send for the CD ... though where to send for it wasn't clear from the email.
Nice photos of you and your family ... you've done well! I've also forwarded the email to my brother Christopher (Kristof), whom you may remember from Mount ... I think he was only a year ahead of you. He has some photos he promises to share.
I too got an EE degree ... but have never used it ... been a software engineer all my life. If you need help maintaining the web site, you can contact me ... I know something about that ... for example, it would be better if all photos were thumbnails one could zoom in on ... and the bios should be available when clicking on a name ... none of us knows ALL the former Mount boys, so it would be nice to be able to pick-and-choose the photos and bios one is interested in ... just a suggestion. Don't take this criticism too harshly ... the site is fine! Greetings and hello to any old boys you run across (Fedaks, Farchegs, Figuera, etc.)...
BTW, I live in Santa Cruz, CA...about 100 Km South of San Francisco...
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Subject: RE. Class of 1959
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 22:18:55 -0500

Dear Ladislao,
Thanks for the circulars -- they are a pleasure...
About the class photo -- that's my brother's class -- Christopher de Marothy -- and he can help you more than I can on that fact, that might be his shoulder you see ... he's quite tall. I'll forward this email to him to see what he remembers ... by the way, his email is
David Ames I'm in touch with ... but he was in the 1957 class (mine was 1958) ... his email is
I believe one or more Galt were in 1959 class ... but not sure...
Keep those circulars coming ... am sure we all get a kick out of them!
For those that have visions that the oldboys here in Venezuela are active in pursuit of common goals, exchange gossip from old times, or just have a dinner once a month, sorry to say that this is not so, the flame has burned out. So although couple of decades ago we were brought together by fate, and through the years thereafter we have kept in touch with some of our friend, now these matters are not relevant and the magnetizing force that made us swear that we were a special kind of species, brothers by fate, does not matter any more. This is one of the reasons that I keep the Circular going, to try to keep the alumni with a possibility of reencountering old relations, and provide a tribune to those that want to write and express their views.
God Bless
Photos: by Robeto Bodington File0001a12 150 s128, file0001a11 150 20 s128
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt ,

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Circular No 127

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 10 of April 2004. Circular No. 127
Dear Friends,
I have received that following Newspaper account from the Abbot, for your reading pleasure. Some of you might remember the Monks in the report, so here is their story told by Beverly Ann Scott.
From: "John P" <>
Date: 23 Feb 05:03 (PST)
Subject: Two priests strike gold

Two priests strike gold
By Beverley-Ann Scott
On February 19, 1947, two young Dutch men in their early 20's, arrived on the shores of Trinidad and Tobago. They were a long way from their homeland in Holland, but they were excited nonetheless by the novelty of their experience and the reason they had made the long voyage by sea. In two days time, on February 24, those two men who will soon become octogenarians, celebrate 50 years of priestly ordination. Fr Cuthbert (Jan) van der Sande OSB and Fr Augustine (Peter) Schreurs OSB have spent more than half their lives at Mount St Benedict. From the moment of their arrival in 1947 to the present day they have witnessed many changes not only in monastic life but also in the socio-economic and political factors that have shaped Trinidad society for the last three decades. But as they so willingly explained, their lives in Holland during the time of World War II had prepared them for many changes.

Hiding from the Nazis
Fr Cuthbert and Fr Augustine, Jan and Peter respectively as they were named at birth did not know each other really. They both lived on opposite sides of the Netherlands. Jan was born in Noordorp (province of Luid-Holland) where he grew up while Peter, who was from a family of ten, lived with his family in Tegelan (province of Liniburg in the Netherlands) close to the German border. Peter's secondary education was interrupted several times as a result of the German occupation of Holland. In fact the Gestapo closed down the school he attended as they had done with so many other schools. The schools were closed so that the Germans could obtain young boys of school age to work in their factories in Germany. A decree was issued which mandated that all Dutch men between the ages of 18 to 45 who were not working were required to go to the labour bureau to register themselves. After registration the men would be called on to work in German factories and would be transported by train, under the watchful eye of German soldiers to work in Germany. Men who attempted to jump off the train were shot at once. "Quite a lot of people did not register, they would hide," Fr Cuthbert explained. But the Germans would come looking for them and would take them forcibly to Germany. Jan was one of those young men who hid to avoid being taken by the Nazis. "Our family had a farm and I would hide in the loft of the barn under the hay," he recalls. According to Fr Cuthbert, the underground was very quick to inform the young men in his village when the Germans were coming but even at night they would hide because sometimes the Germans would make a night raid. Peter obtained a job in a German hospital near to his home and was fortunate enough to secure a permit to return home every weekend. In the hospital he worked as a jack-of-all-trades and struggled to get a secondary education in between. Life was difficult and very uncertain. "You never knew if a bomb was going to drop on your home. Some people had a very hard time to get food especially in the winter because we had no electricity, no oil ... especially in the last year of the war", says Fr Cuthbert. Life continued like this for some time until V-Day when the Germans were finally defeated.

A wonderful experience
There was a procurator priest in the Netherlands who was from Mount St Benedict. He would go to schools and speak about Trinidad. His base was with some Benedictine sisters who were neighbours to the Schreurs family. Peter was an acolyte at the Benedictine convent for many years and it was there that he first encountered Fr Willi Brord the procurator for Mount St
Benedict. Fr Willi Brord had a pile of albums about the Benedictine mission in Trinidad and St Vincent and, says Fr Augustine with a smile, "He caught me". But the young Peter had heard his call to the priesthood very early in life. "I always knew I wanted to become a priest, ever since I was five years old" he says. Fr Willi Brord caught Jan as well and before long they were on their way to Trinidad. Another young man Jan Koot (who would later become Fr Jerome Koot) also made the voyage with them. Although they did not speak much English, they were able to communicate with the Dutch brothers who were already at Mount St Benedict, Fr Ildefons Schroots and Fr Odilo to name a few. It did not take them too long to adjust to the climate and their way of life. "In those days I had never really seen a coloured person, before," says Fr Cuthbert and for him all these things were refreshing and wonderful experiences. "I just grew into it," says Fr Augustine. "Those five years we lived under the Germans there was nothing except a lot of fear and uncertainty". The monastery offered them stability and a chance to become what they both felt deeply
called to be. After completing their novitiate they went on to study Philosophy and Theology and were ordained in February 1954 by the late Archbishop Finbar Ryan. Four priests were ordained that day: Fr Jerome Koot, Fr Theodore, Fr Cuthbert van der
Sande and Fr Augustine Peter Schreurs. Fr Koot and Fr Theodore have both passed away.

Truly fulfilled
After their ordination, Frs Cuthbert and Augustine went to the Abbey School to teach. Fr Cuthbert taught West Indian History and Church History at the Seminary and at the Abbey School. Fr Augustine taught English, French and Religious Knowledge and eventually became bursar of the Abbey School. He also taught liturgy for many years at the Seminary, where he was Vice-Rector from 1964-1968. Fr Cuthbert assisted deceased Fr Odilo while he was parish priest of Mon Repos. He was also the scout-leader at the Abbey School and was at one stage principal of the school. They have both been back to Holland on a few occasions. "In the early days you were allowed a holiday every eight years ... "Now we get holidays every three years for six weeks." One of Fr Cuthbert's brothers has died and six of Fr Augustine's siblings have also died. He last visited his family in 1996. Fr Cuthbert said with a laugh that the last time he saw his sisters and brothers he joked that they could start an old aged home since the youngest was 63 and the oldest 83. Fr Augustine has lost some of his sight and both men wore hearing aids for the interview, but their peaceful spirits and good sense of humour made a deep impression on me. Their recollection of events dates and times belied their age
evidenced by their silvery white hair. These humble men when asked about their feelings as they approach their golden jubilee told me that they didn't really feel any way in particular. "It's not to say that now you retire or something ... there are always jobs to do". Fr Augustine, who once took a cooking course at the Sacred Heart Institute in Mt Hope and won an award for his excellent presentation of a Chinese meal, keeps himself busy making marmalades. He is a master chef and has often used his skills in the monastery kitchen. Fr Cuthbert, the genius behind Mount St Benedict's renowned PAX yogurt, spends most of his time in the "lab" experimenting with new flavours of yogurt and ensuring that Mount St Benedict's yogurt quality remains second to none. "There are some days when you may feel down because your work doesn't turn out exactly as you want it," says Fr Augustine. Still, I could not help but notice how happy and fulfilled these two men are in their chosen vocation.

Malaise of society
They have no regrets about their choice of monastic life and wish more young men would be attracted to this way of life. But Fr Cuthbert feels that the main focus of young men today is to make money and move up the corporate ladder. "They come here in the monastery and see us do parlour work and things like that. So they see it more as a hobby." But as Fr Augustine believes, the general malaise of society and young men in particularly is that people no longer think "religiously". "How many young boys know the Hail Mary? How many teenagers at home ask to say Morning prayer? That is the poverty," he says. He feels that people no
longer get jobs that fulfil them but try to get jobs that make the most money and find themselves unhappy in it.
A thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated for Frs Cuthbert and Augustine today at 8.30 a.m. at the Abbey, Mount St Benedict. All are welcome to join in the celebration. Frs Cuthbert and Augustine wish to thank the members of their community for their love and encouragement, as well as the many pilgrims, friends and well-wishers of the Mount, who have supported them over the years with their prayers. We at Catholic News congratulate the Frs Augustine and Cuthbert on this milestone in their priestly ministry and pray God's continued blessings upon them and the Benedictine community at Mount St Benedict.
(Very good article, ed.)
Now the excerpts from an old letter, from our Abbot (1960), I even visited his family, his brother, in Holland in 1963.

7 of July 1982.
Greetings from the Old Mount-Inside!
I was in Holland earlier this year, I met with Fr. Bernard. His speech has not improved. The burns he suffered last year he is unable to stand and so is confined to a wheel chair. He is in a rehabilitation centre where they are giving him therapy to see if they can make him able to walk. It seems he will be coming back in September to the Mount. He surely is carrying a heavy cross! You will remember him specially, I am sure.
When last you visited T´dad, you give me some book-markers with Teen-agers 10 Commandments printed on it. As I have passed that age unfortunately! I gsve them away and people have been asking if I had more of them. On your next visit or in some other way, could you bring some of them if possible? Thanks a million in advance.
God´s abundant blessing be with you and your Family!.
Very best wishes and kindest regards.
Adalbert van Duin
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
For those that keep track of the photos is that there was no takers to my question in Circular No. 126. Not even those in the photos did recognize themselves.
God Bless
Photos: Fr. Augustine, Fr. Cuthbert, Fr. Adalbert van Duin
By Roberto bodington file0001a10 150 15
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , friend and tend

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Circular No 126

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 3 of April 2004. Circular No. 126
Dear Friends,
I am trying to keep upto date, maybe by Easter Saturday!!!! I have some surprises to give you in the next few editions, so keep up your good work in placing names on the photos. Always mention the circular of the file name of the photo, so that I can file the answers and then write the names on the photos.
From: "Cecil & Liz Ince" <>
Date: 10 Mar 15:08 (PST)

Dear Laszlo:
RICHARD DE VERTEUILS recollection of the Boy Scouts from Mount in Arima - 1948 - 56 years ago:
I actually lived opposite Lord Harris' Square where the group stayed under tents (I think) - I spent a lot of time with the boys I knew - ALAIN DEVAUX (Raymonds younger brother) - Arima was then a quiet town so the invasion of school friends (I was a day boy) from Mount was a great interlude.
My recollection of FATHER ILDEPHONSE - he expelled me from his History classes - I just could not grasp the subject due to a rather sketchy earlier education. In my more mature years, I developed a great love for the subject in general - a bit of irony. I wrote to 'SCROOTS' in the early 80's for some special occasion in his life, and he replied saying that he had not been a contented person, for most of his life and that it was only in the late 60's to early 70's that he had found the Lord. So we reconciled any hard feelings of my youth and his History classes.
FATHER BERNARD VLAAR, just weeks before he died, visited Barbados and for the first time, he and I spoke as adults - he said that the original objective of the Mount was to cater to a select elite group of boys - I was only a day boy from Arima - one of about nine or ten day boys - inference was that we were seen then as rather second class citizens - a bit of tokenism to the community on Mount's part. So of course, my achieving the Cambridge Exams of 1949 at First Grade was significant in my life -
NOEL LLANOS was 1948 - brilliant boy (I think l4) and he gained lst Grade and was awarded the JERNINGHAM Medal for his outstanding marks.
I called PETER BOOS - he was there 1954-55 and says he hears from you.
I tried STEPHEN TEMPRO who runs Smugglers Cove, a hotel on our West Coast (Payne's Bay) but got no reply.
SCIPIO SOODEEN lives 3 houses East of me - we became very friendly over the past several years - he celebrated his 72nd birthday some weeks ago. One of his daughters, NEYSHA, publishes from Trinidad - a highly successful glossy magazine called MACO - covers architecture and some culinary fancies indigenous to the Caribbean.
RICHARD DRIVER is a cousin of mine and lives somewhere on the West Coast of Canada.
My telephone number is 246-427-7521 - my fax at home is 246-228-1810.
JOHN DULIEU lives in St. Lucia - as per my last contact some years ago - sorry I cannot help more on him. Years, ago, he and his family lived several houses East of me on the same ridge when he was a Captain with the airline LIAT. (Lost contact with him also last year, ed)
Regret, I do not have any class photos - but my Form Four classmates (and most moved up to Form Five - with some who were in Form Five doing a repeat year.
ANGUS FRASER (studied for the Priesthood and was last heard of somewhere in Africa) -
TREVOR EVELYN lives in Canada but we are in occasional phone contact -
FATHER VINCENT COMPTON then a Seminarian -
GERALD FARINHA from then British Guiana - aborted his Seminarian studies when last I saw him over 30 years ago -
SYDNEY RAYMOND I think now a Priest -
RAYMOND 'FRENCHIE' VIVIES Guadeloupe - where he became a Prefect in Government.
ANTONY INKIM also from Arima. I do not recall if there were others.
Our Masters were:
FATHER ILDEPHONSE, former was English Literature - latter Geography and History.
All for now - congrats on your superb effort to cement the group of yesteryears.
P.S. On February l5th - I spent one night at the Mount Guest House - Room #l4 - overlooking the airport and what has become a tapestry of colourful lights after sunset - sat on the bench which we used as day boys waiting for our Abbey Bus - some of my friends in that group were Franksie Cook, Ian Lee Kam (Guinea was his nickname) - Archie Didier and Anthony Inkim (the three of us usually came to Tunapuna from Arima on the same bus) -
PHILLIP (PIP) VIRE who were also in my class
I was unable to get into the College on this visit.

(I am sure that the new Abbot is going to change the routine so that when an oldboy, alumni would like to return to the Monastery, there is going to be a way to contact someone. Ed)
A long resurrected letter written by Geoffrey W. Prada.
Caracas, 29 of October 1981

(here are excerpts from the letter. Ed.)
Got your letter. My credit cards show that my company is called "Maraven S.A." (ex compaƱia Shell de Venezuela) P.O.Box 829, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela and that I am a programmer in the Cabotaje/Export of oils business, shipping what we got and sometimes what we a´int got. My credit is good - but payments are awful.
Heard from a friend last Sunday that Jack (Knaggs) has built a beanstalk shanty town style " hut" at Mayaro and the amazing thing is that he "lives" in the darn thing. They tell me that he flies often to Barbados to see his wife and kids. I knew Jack was crazy but not that loco. If he's happy then all is well but the family in Barbados is what I'm surprised to hear about.
Lisa and Ian are now with all the tribe in Canada. Heard Charles lost his business - try to enquire and let me know what's with him - he never wrote me a line in his life - guess he's illiterate like the rest of this crazy family. Mona is still in Trinidad but we had her daughter Elizabeth over for a couple of weeks and she told me she wants to live with us for a year or so before taking off to Canada. Mona wants to remain in Trinidad for reasons known only to her. The last time we went to Trinidad was when we were with you - I think that's when Lisa's eldest son got married. Since then, we have not traveled much - only to Aruba.
Venezuela (like most countries today) is taking a dive income and finance wise. Somebody once said that every time the world goes into an economical crisis - a world war comes along to wipe out half humanity so that the other half can be fed. But things are getting from bad to worse.
Sorry to learn about Fr. Bernard. Do you know if Fr. Ildephonse (he who whipped Charles (Prada) in the presence of the entire college) still alive? I sent Fr. Cuthbert a post card at the mount, but I doubt if he will reply to it. He maybe too busy to do so.
As the mail is closing in ten minutes, I'm stopping here. Write soon. Will give you details about my tribe next time and if I grow mad enough I may even send you a genuine photo.
Geoff (Geoffrey) Prada

(Sorry to inform his friends that I contacted the family and they told me that he passed away to the Lord some 5 years ago. I am enclosing a photo were he is with his wife Carmen Mercedes. I hope that those that were his classmates can follow up with a short note, so that I may include it in a future edition. Ed.)
From: "c de marothy" <>
Date: 26 Mar 15:24 (PST)

I have just received this circular. I am missing quite a few. I can not help you with Harry Guildner Irwin Serrette, Greard Pampellone and Claude Johnson. I wish I could since they were in my class of 1959 I do know that Irwin lives in Trinidad and have phoned him when I was there for the reunion but did not have a chance to speak with him. I have to sadly report that Ronald Gokool has passed away about 10 years ago. I got this info from the Hilton hotel where he used to work and where I met him in 1979 when I visited Trinidad. I'll keep you informed of others as I hear from them. Please keep the circulars going. Also you please forward me circular 122 and 123. Seems I did not receive them
Thank you and stay well.
From: "SEHEULT, MAC [1625]" <>
Date: 25 Mar 18:15 (PST)
To: Ladislao Kertesz <>
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Re. Circular No.124 The Abbey School MSB

Will return on 3/29/04; I can be reached through the Houston office.

(thank you for the automatic notification, God keep you in health. Ed.)
Fr Abbot, please inform me on how an oldboy can meet one of the Monks when visiting the Monastery. I shall publish the procedure as soon as I get it. It is sad that after a couple of decades a returning oldboy, would feel being a stranger at MSB, our home for many years.
Can anyone recall the names given by Ince?
God Bless,

If any one recognizes the alumni in the following photos, please write!
Photo: Geoffrey Prada 821 s126
From Roberto Bodington: file001a7 150 20 s126, file0001a8 150 15 s126
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt, special smiles