Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 of April 2004. Circular No. 128
Dear Friends,
Those of you that are missing old Circulars, please get into contact with Don,
As promised, here is a copy of the O.A.S.I.S. bulletin No. 2 by Arthur Knaggs, editor.
BULL No.2 Oct. 81
Dear Oldies,
Infancy is the period of great danger in the life of an idea, so in fast succession the bulletin No.1. of September we move on to our 2nd Edition, mainly to assure your guys that I mean business and to endeavour to rapidly locate some of the strays from "Old Mount" and get some business cards flowing in. Life is strange; -not more than 1 week after Issue No. 1, Ian Shoul arrived in
the Eastern Paradise of Nova Scotia to establish his daughter at St. Mary´s University on a Business Education course - Fantastic!. We promptly located our Old Buddy - "Shaves" Stanley "Bam" Ferguson, on the blower and had a triangular rapping session. We were also able to add Benedict Lopes (British Guiana), Desmond Littlepage (trini) and Peter Bergasse (St.Lucia) to the list, and Ian is to forward Jerome Gomes address A.S.A.P.
Dear Friends,
Those of you that are missing old Circulars, please get into contact with Don,
As promised, here is a copy of the O.A.S.I.S. bulletin No. 2 by Arthur Knaggs, editor.
BULL No.2 Oct. 81
Dear Oldies,
Infancy is the period of great danger in the life of an idea, so in fast succession the bulletin No.1. of September we move on to our 2nd Edition, mainly to assure your guys that I mean business and to endeavour to rapidly locate some of the strays from "Old Mount" and get some business cards flowing in. Life is strange; -not more than 1 week after Issue No. 1, Ian Shoul arrived in
the Eastern Paradise of Nova Scotia to establish his daughter at St. Mary´s University on a Business Education course - Fantastic!. We promptly located our Old Buddy - "Shaves" Stanley "Bam" Ferguson, on the blower and had a triangular rapping session. We were also able to add Benedict Lopes (British Guiana), Desmond Littlepage (trini) and Peter Bergasse (St.Lucia) to the list, and Ian is to forward Jerome Gomes address A.S.A.P.
Since then, got a letter from John Skinner, another member of our W.B.O.L- from England, to state that he was in hospital when my letter arrived, (nothing serious) so he should be up and about shortly - rearing birds as a hobby and working in Derby. Has three kids - youngest is 15, also has Queen Guide and Edinburgh Award winner.
Tried tracking the Soodeen´s down, wrote Trevor´s mum and telephoned him today in Barrie, Otario. He is with Revenue Canada - so a very good man to know. Dr. Tryone is out in B.C. and I have his address, so hope he can give us a few names, etc. Hear Earl Kayne is out there also - wrote his sister in Ontario for his address.
Also got a fast but fabulous letter from Phillip Nassief of Dominica. He is now chairman of the Industrial Development Corporation, and is up to his "nose hole" in activities - so if you wish to establish some sort of reciprocal trade arrangement with that island - shoot Phillip a line - sure he would be most happy to hear from you.
For those of you who are unaware, Fr. Abbot Bernard suffered a serious stroke last year, and the news is that he is recovering as best as possible in Holland. Fr. Bede celebrated his Golden Anniversary of the priesthood in May 1981. Our prayers and best wishes go to him.
Bernard Lange, who is back teaching at the Mount is the one mainly responsible for the life of Mount Inside. Thanks Bernard - at least we get a little inside news. Wish you could be instrumental in reviving the Mount outside - perhaps our little news letter will do the job.
I hope to go to Trinidad in late December, and Trevor Soodeen hopes to be there in late January 1982.
Let us keep in touch. Please send me your business card!
As always,
Art from Dart,
2 Dubonnet Drive,
Dartmouth, N.S.
B2X 2V3
Tel. (902) 435.0909
(None of those mentioned in the BULL are in the mail list, can you help?? Ed.)
From here on we change from the BULL to the CIRCULAR.
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: 3 Jun 12:15 (PDT)
Tried tracking the Soodeen´s down, wrote Trevor´s mum and telephoned him today in Barrie, Otario. He is with Revenue Canada - so a very good man to know. Dr. Tryone is out in B.C. and I have his address, so hope he can give us a few names, etc. Hear Earl Kayne is out there also - wrote his sister in Ontario for his address.
Also got a fast but fabulous letter from Phillip Nassief of Dominica. He is now chairman of the Industrial Development Corporation, and is up to his "nose hole" in activities - so if you wish to establish some sort of reciprocal trade arrangement with that island - shoot Phillip a line - sure he would be most happy to hear from you.
For those of you who are unaware, Fr. Abbot Bernard suffered a serious stroke last year, and the news is that he is recovering as best as possible in Holland. Fr. Bede celebrated his Golden Anniversary of the priesthood in May 1981. Our prayers and best wishes go to him.
Bernard Lange, who is back teaching at the Mount is the one mainly responsible for the life of Mount Inside. Thanks Bernard - at least we get a little inside news. Wish you could be instrumental in reviving the Mount outside - perhaps our little news letter will do the job.
I hope to go to Trinidad in late December, and Trevor Soodeen hopes to be there in late January 1982.
Let us keep in touch. Please send me your business card!
As always,
Art from Dart,
2 Dubonnet Drive,
Dartmouth, N.S.
B2X 2V3
Tel. (902) 435.0909
(None of those mentioned in the BULL are in the mail list, can you help?? Ed.)
From here on we change from the BULL to the CIRCULAR.
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: 3 Jun 12:15 (PDT)
Hello Laszlo,
I'm willing to take over the Web page ... provided that all the costs don't fall on me ...
I spoke with Anthony Johnson about 1/1.5 years ago ... around the time I started getting your circulars ... which, by the way, are tremendously appreciated ... Anyhow, we spoke and I suggested various ways in which to pages could be improved, and I offered to help make some of those changes. He agreed but never got back to me. I sent email and got no reply, so that was that ...
I'm a professional computer programmer and although not a Webmeister, I have created many pages and am comfortable with scripting languages, HTML, etc. The first thing would be to get the files from the current site. We will need Anthony's OK for this ... Then we need to find a good Web host site ... and pay for it ... unless we can use a site already "owned" by an old Mount boy...
Thanks for all your good work ... my brother Christopher also appreciates it...
From:"De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:56:25 -0500
Hi Ladislao,
Good to hear from you ... though I must admit I remember you only dimly ... as one of us Magyars at Mount.
I'll email some more to the website address ... and will definitely send for the CD ... though where to send for it wasn't clear from the email.
Nice photos of you and your family ... you've done well! I've also forwarded the email to my brother Christopher (Kristof), whom you may remember from Mount ... I think he was only a year ahead of you. He has some photos he promises to share.
I too got an EE degree ... but have never used it ... been a software engineer all my life. If you need help maintaining the web site, you can contact me ... I know something about that ... for example, it would be better if all photos were thumbnails one could zoom in on ... and the bios should be available when clicking on a name ... none of us knows ALL the former Mount boys, so it would be nice to be able to pick-and-choose the photos and bios one is interested in ... just a suggestion. Don't take this criticism too harshly ... the site is fine! Greetings and hello to any old boys you run across (Fedaks, Farchegs, Figuera, etc.)...
BTW, I live in Santa Cruz, CA...about 100 Km South of San Francisco...
From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Subject: RE. Class of 1959
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 22:18:55 -0500
Dear Ladislao,
Thanks for the circulars -- they are a pleasure...
About the class photo -- that's my brother's class -- Christopher de Marothy -- and he can help you more than I can on that fact, that might be his shoulder you see ... he's quite tall. I'll forward this email to him to see what he remembers ... by the way, his email is
David Ames I'm in touch with ... but he was in the 1957 class (mine was 1958) ... his email is
I believe one or more Galt were in 1959 class ... but not sure...
Keep those circulars coming ... am sure we all get a kick out of them!
For those that have visions that the oldboys here in Venezuela are active in pursuit of common goals, exchange gossip from old times, or just have a dinner once a month, sorry to say that this is not so, the flame has burned out. So although couple of decades ago we were brought together by fate, and through the years thereafter we have kept in touch with some of our friend, now these matters are not relevant and the magnetizing force that made us swear that we were a special kind of species, brothers by fate, does not matter any more. This is one of the reasons that I keep the Circular going, to try to keep the alumni with a possibility of reencountering old relations, and provide a tribune to those that want to write and express their views.
God Bless
Photos: by Robeto Bodington File0001a12 150 s128, file0001a11 150 20 s128
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt ,
Photos: by Robeto Bodington File0001a12 150 s128, file0001a11 150 20 s128
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt ,
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