Saturday, October 16, 2004

Circular No 154

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 16 October 2004. Circular No. 154
Dear Friends,
In this Circular I shall include various emails that have been sent over the time.
Here is another example of our efforts to find Old Boys. This time RAYMOND VIVIES
Subject: Raymond Vivies
Date: 9/4/2004 7:48:11 PM

Dear Didier,
Thank you for the email.
The photo was taken by a friend of his, long long time ago.
I am sorry to hear that he has passed away.
I would like to hear from you and about Raymond, so that I can include information for the Circular.
Would you know if he had photos of his time in the Abbey School, or other memorabilia??
I am sure his friend would like to hear as to his family curriculum vitae.
You can send as many photos as you wish, as: his home, family etc.
I hope that one day I may travel to your island.
God Bless
Subject: Raymond Vivies
Date: 9/11/2004 11:45:40 AM

Dear Evelyne,
Thank you for the lines.
I am sorry about your uncle. my respects.
I have some more photos from Devaux with you uncle.
Do you want to receive them?
Did he have School friends that are living??
I would like to include them in my list.
God Bless
LAdislao Kertesz
Date: 9/12/2004 5:10:33 PM

Dear Evelyne,
Sorry to bother you again but I have Michael Vivies as brother of Raymond??
If there was another Vivies at the Abbey School, can you put me in contact with him?
Do you know Louis Lacour??, he is in the same island.
God bless
Ladislao Kertesz
Date: 10/5/2004 9:36:51 AM

No, Michel Vivihs is not his brother.
But there is a Michel Vivihs somewhere in the family.
Right Simon?
Date: 9/19/2004 9:03:59 PM

Neither I nor my husband Didier have heard of Michael Vivies.
But someone else in the family might have.
I'll forward your message to Simon, Guillaume, Laurence and Gregory to see if they have heard of him.
Salut Simon, Laurence, Guillaume et Gregory, savez-vous qui est Michael Vivies?
Date: 8/19/2004 12:10:44 PM

Hello Ladislao,
You sent us a picture of Raymond Vivies, who was our uncle.
Thank you so much for the picture.
We will pass it along to the whole family.
Write back so we can write more.
Best regards
Didier Vivies
Regardes ce message qui est arrive sur le site d'Evelyne.
Fait passer a toute la famille de Tonton Raymond.
Dear Friends,
I am looking for Micheal Vivies, alumni of the Abbey School Trinidad and Tobago in the 1950s
Can you forward this to him????
Ladislao KErtesz
Date: 9/24/2004 10:39:01 PM

Dear Roland
Thank your for the message.
Feel welcome to write any of the mischief as the return to memory when you seen the photos.
God bless
Date: 9/11/2004 4:45:47 PM

Thanks for the update Ladislao, will look forward to the circulars as always.
Unfortunately, do not have any pictures to share but do cherish my memories of mischief we got up to while with the scouts, running away on weekends, which we invariably got caught for and paid the appropriate price.
Unfortunately my few years at the Mount and having been away for so long has dimmed the old memory.
All the best though - Roland
Date: 9/6/2004 8:55:04 PM

Hi Ladslao:
Forgot to inform you of my new e-mail address it is
I was fortunate to be visiting David de Verteuil on the weekend when your latest e-mail arrived and he was good enough to forward on to me.
Thanks for continuing to keep the "Old Boys" in touch.
Roland d'Abadie
Toronto, Canada
From: Pal Kecskemeti"
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 11:42:14 -0400

Dear Ladislao,
I just received your Invitation for the 8th and remembered that I promised you something: We generally used to sing as we returned to Mount from any event or escape that we had from school.
The chorus I think was: When the saints are marching home + Glory Glory alleluia I can t remember if there was something else in between or if these were 2 different songs all together.
Mount Verses:
The bread at mount was mighty mighty fine, a slice fell off the table an it killed a friend of mine.
The chicken at mount was mighty mighty fine, a leg fell off the table and it started to mark in time (like in the parades)
The (refresco de Mount = tenia un nombre especifico ?) at mount was mighty mighty fine but it tasted like Turpentine.
There was something else that tasted like Iodine ???
Anyway I appreciate the invitation, but unfortunately I wouldn t be able to attend, got to work, maybe another time.
Don t forget my pictures
Say Hi to everyone
Kenny, Gerald - I now live in Westmoorings, Trinidad, after spending 10 years in Toronto, Canada. I am married to my Venezuelan wife "Ysaely" for over 25 years, and have a son Daniel, who is now finishing University in London, Ontario. I now operate my own Real Estate company here in Port of Spain for the last 18 years, and decided 10 years ago in my old age to start playing music professionally (one man Band) which I enjoy tremendously, especially when working with people such as Denyse Plummer (name dropping) and other local artists here in Trinidad.
Ps. Still have lots of photos for you from Stuart Henderson, but no Scanner. Hoping to have one soon, and will send them on to you a soon as I can.

(Can you scan the photos??
Can you get me ROBERT ELIAS Address???? Telephone number???? Ed)
From: Gerald Kenny
Date: 18 Apr 22:21 (PDT)

Understand my friend.
Will keep in touch
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:10:02 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Gerald
The photos are taken by:_____ but in most cases the oldboy that gives me the photo does not remember the subject.
In this case it is obvious that it is Bro. Vincent, but I wanted to see who remembered him after all this years.
I many instances the subject in the photo does not remember how he looked 40 years ago.
I usually place the name in the photo once I get a multiple confirmation.
Thank you for collaborating, I need further information on about 200 photos that shall be sent through the circular.
Can you help me with Scouting badges??
The unofficial hymn of the school?
By the way I lost contact with Wayne Henderson.
God bless
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 02:00:16 -0400, Gerald Kenny wrote:

Quite often, photos come in especially "by Roberto Bodington", but with no Indication as to who picture is of.
Is this Bro. Vincent, and (i am guessing) Wayne Henderson?
Best regards.
Look forward to your correspondence.
Gerald Kenny
Another old letter dated August 3 1982:

Hi there,
A quickie for you.
Thanks for your OASIS report.
We're all going to erect a monument to you one day at the Mount, you know, to the guy with all the perseverance and patience in the world.
God help you. So far away and yet interested in MSB, Wow!
It was good to hear from you, thought, no kidding.
I see Jack all the time at Galeota and he is growing the strangest beard .
The rest of us like it on the chin.
But you know Jack, his own has got to grow underneath his neck and under his jawbone. Unbelievable.
Jackie and I have two now and a third on the way.
Tell Gord for me.
By the way, you should ask him to play the trumpet for you.
He s quite good, really. And please send our love too, to Libby.
I'm glad you told me about Geoff Prada.
I am about to make a trip too Venezuela and I have written to him to get some advice etc. about contacts in Maraven.
How is your tribe? Wait!
Don't write. Just send me your next OASIS and tell me all about them.
Steven Anderson and Sandra are somewhere in Los Angeles, and Richard is back here with Basil, in the real-estate business.
I'm not at all sure who is in charge of the Old Boy's things these days.
In fact I think that it's dead as a dodo, but if I can find out I'll tell you.
Sorry Art, but I just have too much on my plate to get too involved right now.
Love and best wishes to all.
Love again. Here's my subs.
Nigel Boos
So start writing, I know it was your New Year's resolution.
God Bless
Photo: By David Ames, Scouts1, Scout twr
Column: dbratt , budget


Anonymous said...

From Wayne Vincent Brown:

That's the class of 59, I think, photo circa 54. In the middle row: 4th
from left, Anthony Lucky, 6th from left, Ben Hutton (I think), 7th from
left, Chris Henderson. Front row: second from left, Alex de Verteuil,
third from right, Jeffrey(?) Pampallone.
No 57: Alex de Verteuil.

Anonymous said...

On 16 June Anthony Lucky wrote:

Back row: Gordon Weekes, Collin Phillips, Anthony Mc koy, Boyd, Fr.
Ildfons, Ken Robinson, Anthony Gabriel and Peter Ames (holding flag).

Second row: David Ames, Gary Cedeno, Tommy Laughlin, Anthony Lucky,
Norman Gabriel, Julian Hutton, Chris Henderson, Xavier.

Front row: Xavier (the younger brother) Alex de Verteuil, (not sure),
Richard Gransaul, Gerard Pampellone, Wayne Henderson, (not certain).

I saw Ken Robinson some time ago on a Bwee flight: Peter Ames, Tommy
Laughlin, Norman Gabriel, Chris Henderson, Alex de Verteuil, and Wayne
Henderson recently.