Saturday, October 23, 2004

Circular No 155

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 23 of October 2004 No.155
Dear Friends,
Here is some email chat with Fr. Christopher Theunissen, and Fr.Francis Friesen of the MSB Choir, 1950s and 1960s.
Some of this is regarding the 1st EVENT, reunion of MSB alumni.
I have included this old news because some of you have asked for the wellbeing of the teacher clergy at the Mount.
I am sorry to inform you that Br. Camilus Culley is no longer with us, he was the Honey and soft drink brother. !
Can anyone remember the name of the soft drink that was manufactured at the apiary, and that replaced SOLO at the afternoon 3 o4clock break???
Is there some one that can recall the bun with a sausage in its center surrounded with curry sauce?
All kids got one together with the soft drink, handed out at one time by Baby Joe and company at the canteen, next to the Volleyball court.
Next, run to the dormitories where we could change to sports clothes and then down to the fields.
On Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays you could choose between staying at the school or go down to the sports field.
My choice was to go down, run a mile in warm up and then throw Javelin or Discus.
Bathe in the shower next to the Sports Field House and walk up slowly back to the school by the short cut.
I managed to avoid the express shower service at the School, which I found too hasty to my liking.
Now to the emails.
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: reunion 2003

Dear Ladislao,
Thanks for your message. Here are the names of the monks who attended the reunion:
Abbot Francis Alleyne;
Fr. Cuthbert van de Sande;
Fr. Benedict Simons;
Br. Camillus Culley;
Fr. Odo van der Heijdt;
Br. Gerard (Rupert) Alexis;
Fr. Christopher Theunissen,
Br. Marius Williams.
Following also is the addresses of Fr. Francis Friesen in Holland.
Fr Francis Friesen, O.S.B. Berchmanianum, Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Tel.: 024-3 55 33 44 E-Mail:
I suggest for you to call as Fr. Francis eyesight is very poor.
The circular I was interested in was Nr. 91.
I was surprised to hear that no one from the Mount ever sent you anything.
It must be some years now since you started to send out your circulars.
I myself have only been at Abbeyschool for short periods and I know very few of the boys.
I was there from 65 to 66 and again for some months in 1970.
Michael De Verteuil, now Msgr, and Rector of the Regional Seminary, was there at that time.
Unfortunately he never knew about the reunion until I spoke to him about it the morning of the same day (15 Aug.).
He would have loved to go, but was unable to at that late point.
The only one present at the Reunion who I know very well was Michael D'Ornellas and his wife, also Joe Bermont and Robert O'Connell.
I'd have to see the list of all present to remember other known ones.
Best wishes and God bless,
Fr. Christopher
From: "John P"
To: Subject: reunion 2003
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 10:23:10 -0700
Caracas, 29 of August 2003.

Dear Fr. Christopher,
Thank you for the email and the lines on the event.
Please my apology to Fr. Abbot.
My worry from the first place was that there would be not enough propaganda for the EVENT.
I had been in contact with Gonzalez since I received his email address in March.
First I thought it was a hoax, and after I sent out Circular No.87 I got a reply, too late to make a decent propaganda to the Circulars readers.
With No. 91 I did get a lot of replies.
I always thought that there must have been interaction with the priests of the Mount, but no answer from there, so this was may complain.
This is the first email from MSB, after 93 Circulars, so you might gauge my worry.
Well, the important part is that the EVENT was successful and there is a hope for 2nd EVENT. God Willing.
Please ask Fr, Cuthbert for Fr.Francis address at their retirement home in Holland.
Also I ask you to have the circular passed to Fr. Benedict, Fr, Augustine, Fr, Cuthbert and all the others that have made this circulars possible, thanks to our participation at MSB and the Abbey School.
Please inform me if you are needing old Circulars, and send me the number of the one that was deleted, so that it can be replaced.
Can you send me the name of the oldboys that you recognized at the EVENT.
Also the 8 priests that assisted, were there brothers also??
God Bless
On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 12:11:11 -0700, "the-mount" wrote:

Dear Ladislao,
As you know the 1st Reunion and Dinner of the old Abbey Boys Association took place yesterday, 15th August 2003, at the Centre of Excellence.
About 100 hundred people attended, including about 8 monks and some of the former teaching staff, among whom most prominent Miss Kitty Marcus (88).
It was a most enjoyable evening.
Several of those present commended the work you have been doing in sending out Newsletters.
Some of us, including myself, feel your work and tireless efforts are not being appreciated enough, thus this little note of encouragement.
Keep it up.
Even if we do not respond as often as we should, many, I can assure you, do enjoy your regular newsletters, even the abbot who you took to task in your last one.
By the way this same last one was inadvertently deleted from this computer before I had a chance to print it.
Kindly mail it to us again.
Many thanks, very best wishes and hope to meet you in the living flesh at the 2nd Reunion (or before).
God bless.
Fr. Christopher
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<REUNION TO TAKE PLACE AFTER XMAS. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The in-between is because the 2nd EVENT should be taking place in 2005, can you confirm this??? Miguel Gonzalez (President of the 1st EVENT)?

This reunion would gather the alumni and those that knew Bro. Vincent (Deacon Lionel Roberts), Bursar and our Sports Director if that title would have existed in the 1950s and 1960s.

I would like to hear from you (ALUMNI) about this possibility as there needs to be an organizer in Trinidad for, lets say a lunch, dinner or what ever you may suggest thru this forum.

I am in touch with several alumni but no plans have been set.

I have asked Roger Henderson to look into this, but I know he needs help as time is short.


Now an exchange with Fr. Francis our music teacher.

Caracas, 9 of September 2003.

Dear Fr. Francis Friesen

Thank you for the email, it is a surprise that I managed to contact you.

I only have a question, can you receive email??? like the one you received???

Since I mail these newsletters once a week, I would prefer to email you, with the photos, but if you cannot receive the email, then I can post mail you the newsletter.

I believe that you are the only teacher of my time that are alive, of the multiple ones that we had in 1955 to 1960, my graduation year.

Please ratify your address?

God Bless and much health

Ladislao Kertesz


From: Berchmanianum

Date: 9 Sep 01:20 (PDT)

Dear Ladislao,

Thanks for your email.

It is a splendid idea to keep contact with former co-students by means of weekly exchanges.

I do remember your name and that you belonged to the "gang from Venezuela".

I would be happy to get your publication occasionally, so as to refresh me memory about those happy days with you and the other guys, on that mountain top in Trinidad, so many years ago!

My address, as you have it, is correct, email included.

Let me know your own ordinary address as well, for I am not able to reach you regularly unless by ordinary letter.

Kind regards to all,


Fr Francis Friesen

P.S. Our telephone number is 024-3838485


Date:14 Sep 10:57 (PDT)


Subject: Message from Father Friesen/Netherlands

Dear Ladislao,

Thanks for sending me your address.

To answer your question:

Yes, I can receive email, like the one you used to contact me, which is the email address for this house; Berchmanianum.

No problem, as for receiving goes, and I look forward to receive your newsletters on this way.

I spoke with Father Paul on the phone.

He was your teacher mathematics and physics, left the abbey in 1963, and is now 87 years old.

He, too, remembers you, although vaguely, and sends you his kind regards.

He does not have an email and is not in good health at all.

Both of us have had no access to the computer world, and for myself, at the age of 82, and being almost blind, it will remain so.

This message reaches you through the kindness of one of my cousins in Holland, for the use the house email is not open to us, except for receiving messages.

I ask you please to keep using the " email address.

All the best and God bless,

Father Francis.


Unfortunately, Fr.Francis has asked that since he no longer sees well enough to be able to read the emails, he would like to hear from you thru telephone.

Please call him up by telephone I am sure that he would be very happy for your call.

God Bless




Fr.Francis in front rest.

Fr. Christopher Theuniseen

Column: dbratt , Dancing nuns


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