Saturday, May 29, 2004

Circular No 134

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 of May 2004. Circular No. 134
Dear Friends,
This Circular is a bit late but I was out travelling, so please excuse me.
New Features.
1) I am including starting from this Circular a section with the title: WANTED, trying to find information on the whereabouts of Oldboys that are mentioned in the different emails, articles, etc. The names shall be left on the list until there is a positive answer, please collaborate!!!.
2) And last but not least, I am restarting to send the .xls list with names, but this time the list shall be ordered by year of graduation, Form V, starting from the first school class, although not graduating = 1942, the first graduating = class 1944??
Now here are some of the emails that you have written:
From: "Rafael Echeverria G." <>
Date: 16 May 13:57 (PDT)

Thank you very much for the 1964 class photo Ladislao !!!!
No. 1 is not Russell Cunha ... It's me Cheche !!! ... We resembled each other a lot and everybody constantly mistook us.
I remember the moment of this photograph well.
Echeverria (cheche)
From: "Ladislao kertesz" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 9:12 PM

What is happening, man!. you not getting the mail? Here I am enclosing the photo.
Good luck.
God bless
Sun, 2 May 2004 17:41:21 -0400, "Rafael Echeverria G." wrote:

Yes, I can help. Please send me the class of 1994 to identify some of the guys. I can actually consult with Hector Ahow with whom I talk frequently. He should know everybody. I am not sure I have that photo you sent. I think I have been mistaken by someone with Russell Cunha. He and I resembled a lot. They use to tease both of us for that. I appear in one of the photos but I don't think I have the one you have circulated.
Please send it to me so that I can assist you !!!
Rafael Echeverria (CheChe)
Dear Brent
I still remember the nice times I had in your house at Maraval Golf Club. Also the kindness of your parents. I cannot thank you enough, as those were difficult times for me, with Fr, Jerome telling me that if my English did not improve he would set me back one grade! You did help me during the short weekend let off.
God bless
From:"Brent Gonsalves" <>
Date:23 May 07:40 (PDT)

Let us remain in contact. The circulars about Abbey School are quite large and take a long time to download on my computer.
From: "g4iuz.icope" <>
Date: 16 May 01:31 (PDT)

Hello Ladislao,
I am as you say an alumnus of the Abbey School, Mount St Benedict. Please keep sending me your Circulars; one day soon I shall send you a potted history. Keep up the good work.
Kindest regards
Ian Cope
From: Nigel Boos <>
Date: 15 May 17:47 (PDT)

Hey there, Las,
Good to see you're making use of Arthur's OASIS files. I knew you'd find some useful stuff in them. Don't know how you'll pick and choose though. G' luck.
OK, that photographs with the 4 guys in it. For sure, #2 is Manuel Prada (Graduated 1960?) The other little guy I should surely remember - a Venezuelan kid - shame on me, he was in the Scout Band too, I think. My memory is rusting away, but perhaps someone will remind me. Don't know who the other two fellas are.
Can you give us a little dope about the continuing situation in Venezuela?
From: (Evelyn, Glen)
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 11:45:25 -0400

It's sad that I can't remember the rest and yes there were others. I spoke to Che Che on the phone last week and planned on meeting but with the strike we never connected.
May God double your joys and cut all your grief in half.
All the best for the New Year.
At 10:02 AM 12/26/2002 -0800, you wrote:

Dear Glen,
I hope all is well with you down by the Lake. I am sending you a photo to check again on the names of the group. Maybe there are more names. You are the only one with an address!!
The following is the list I have on class 1972:
1. Michael Pegus / Magoura
2. Franco Marconi
5. Frank Holmes
6. Elias or Edgar Murphy lived in El Tigre
7. John Gioannetti
8. Earl Agustus Teacher
9. Keith Allen
10. Glen Evelyn,
11. Pedro Coscarat in Florida
12. Renwic Villafana, runs a medical equipment company in St. James
13. Bhopa
14. Azizul Mohammed, the only Muslim at mount in the 60's -70's
17. Chin
18. Nigel Gomes, Diego Martin
Were there others? Check the annotations and add more.
God Bless
(I have lost touch with Evelyn, can anyone help? Ed.)
From: (Evelyn, Glen)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 11:11:30 -0400

Hi Lad,
Did you know that Charles Lindbergh tried to purchase a Viking in 1927? He then went to Ryan ( also powered by a Wright engine ) because the owners of Bellanca were fighting each other over who should pilot the plane.
From: (Evelyn, Glen)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:14:44 -0400

Brother Lad,
I'm back in Venezuela and praying that I can stay at least until the end of the year. Slb wants to send us to Brazil, but to be honest I am tired of the Oilfields and thinking of moving back to the U.S and sending my wife to work. Am I lucky or what having a wife who is willing to take care of me? Would you be so kind as to send me Cheche's Tel # as on my next trip to Mcbo I would like to visit with him.
And yes I'm getting your circulars.
God bless you also.
From: (Evelyn, Glen)
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 09:02:05 -0400

I tried sending Luis this, but it kept bouncing back. Please see if you can forward it for me? thanks.
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 08:44:44 -0400
he encontrado tu direccion de email a traves de Ladislao, estoy trabajando en Venezuela con una compania petrolera que se llama Schlumberger, me case hace 14 anos, de los cuales tengo 10 anos trabajando aqui, ya he visitado muchos lugares en Venezuela y de verdad que estoy encantado de este pais y su gente, por otro lado te escribo porque me gustaria saber de tu vida.
Ojala reciba tu respuesta.
Con mucho aprecio,
(Please confirm your address, ELIAS. Ed.)
I am sure you overwhelmed Maroth with your offers to help the Web, that is the way to go!!!!.
I am enclosing the photo of class 1972, the same one sent a couple of times already, but this time with a list of names so that you may add the missing names and or make comments. Those names without numbers in the .xls file is because you have not recognized yourself or because you were from another Class or the Oldboy did not graduate Form V but would have graduated, (left early) if stayed. These last have a W attached to the year.
God Bless
Photo: Glen Evelyn Guitarra
Class 1972, please refer to this name
List: Class 1972 .xls photo enclosed.
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , red alert
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the
circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received
one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Circular No 133

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 22 of May 2004. Circular No. 133
Dear Friends,
Here is the surprise that I promised you two weeks ago. Those who had no chance to meet him and don´t know him; I can say that he was the Bursar and Sportsmaster in the 1950s and 1960s. Great fellow, good friend and I hope that some of you may send articles on those times.

From: Lionel & Merlene Roberts <>
Date: 7 May 03:15 (PDT)

My dear Ladislao,
My God what a surprise!
Well yes you have found the Lionel Roberts. I am so happy to hear from you, and hopefully by this means I could be in contact with so many of my former students and precious comrades. It seems that you have put together a newsletter which I would be most eager to receive. I have been hungry for news of as many of you as possible and now thanks to you this might be possible.
I shall not be long in this communication, as I regard it as reintroduction to a whole generation of friends and former students which almost tragically was almost passing by. Suffice it to say that I visited the Mount in early January, and had lunch with the new Abbot and remaining monks. My wife Merlene was with me and what a thrill it was to us. Thoughts and fond memories came cascading back to me of those days of yore. On that occasion I met with Brother Rupert who gave me Isaias Farcheg´s address. I promptly wrote him, but to date have not been graced with a reply. I hope that I would more successful with! In my next communication with you I hope to provide you with more information about me and my family. God has been good to me and my family. You will be happy to know that I remain within the bosom of the church. Two years ago I celebrated my Silver Anniversary of my Ordination as a Catholic Deacon. But more of anon.
Ladislao how beautiful it is to hear from you, please reply promptly.
God bless you and your family my friend.
NB: I will be sending you a picture of myself and my wife soon.
(I am sorry that the photo did not arrive in due time for this Circular, but rest assured that it shall be published. Ed.)
From: Lionel & Merlene Roberts <>
Date: 7 May 03:31 (PDT)

Hi Ladislao,
I was delighted to receive your communication and pictures so I sat down and drafted such a long reply to you - somehow I seem to have lost it, did you by chance receive it? Please let me know, but, yes, you have found me, Lionel, should you get this, please let us keep in touch and reply as soon as possible -
Warmest regards -
Lionel Roberts
(No, I have not received it, as per my correspondence. Ed.)
I am sorry to make the following observation: There seems to be a common factor between scouts, be useful to others but be short in writing. I am sure that there were about 500 King´s or Queen´s Scouts through the Abbey School's existence, and guess, only one has written on the experience. So I am enclosing an account that came in the 1982s, copy for Mount Inside No.45. Can anyone send the missing issues??? So that we may get the start of the story and also the ending?? Maybe Fr. Alleyne, today in Guyana can provide us with a story or two?

2nd Mt. St. Benedict Scouting Troop
Having left our Scouts at the Matura Camp in the middle of a rain storm and being chewed by mosquitoes (M.I. issue No. 44) I now continue my report. The Camp also had its bright days which allowed many fun-filled hours in the river and frolicking in the sunshine. At night we walked a few miles along the beach hoping to meet giant leather-back turtles laying eggs in the sand. Even though that experience was not to be ours we nonetheless saw freshly made tractor-like tracks which at least gave us an idea of the enormous size of these creatures. Then there was the night when we caught a 15/// (sorry!) 15" alligator, not exactly the best representative of this reptile species. I am told that the Scout who first stepped on the unfortunate creature has already registered for high jump in the 1982 Athletic Sports. Formality and order were not to be left out from the Camp's Programme. On Friday
afternoon, April 24th, the group assembled in full uniform to officially welcome Paul Guillen into their ranks. Camp participates were exposed to a broad spectrum of Scouting:- extreme weather conditions, endurance, good humour, fun, skill display, inventiveness, etc. A Scout joining under these conditions would have had a very good idea of what the movement is all about.
About 150 guests patronized the Scouts´Annual Candlelight Dinner on the May 2nd. An all day rain cleared to allow the stars and suburban lights to shine through onto our outdoor setting. The continual showers earlier in the day affected the turn-out which was less than expected. Thanks to so many who helped to make the venture a success.
Scouting Correspondent for M.I. No. 43 referred to the Junior Scouts as "Rats". There have been objections to the reference to this particular rodent. Careful, Gregory! I have heard some rumours about rat poison in view of exterminating this term from future reports. Speaking about POISON! I have since been informed that there were some questionable dishes turned out by the venture unit at Caura Camp; dishes which even the dogs refused to eat.
To put the Troop in good stead for the coming term the Junior Scouts are planning a five day camp, here at Mount St. Benedict, during which they intend to put the den in order, carry out repairs, get through some badge work and band practices.
Bro. Francis Alleyne
Scout Leader
From: "Michael Azar" <>
Date: 9 Apr 16:47 (PDT)

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter. Celebrate the thought that we will all be together eventually.......for all eternity....can you stand it!!!!
May God Bless you all.
Michael Azar
(Big Joe)
From: "Don Mitchell, QC" <>
Date: 9 May 05:02 (PDT)

Hello Maroth,
Thank you for coming to the rescue. Particularly when you undertake this task when your retirement is so close and you will be under the inevitable stresses. I am good for a year's financial support. Let me know how to make out the draft and the address to post it to, or let me have the details of your bank account to be able to instruct my bank to wire the funds.
Best regards,
Don Mitchell QC
(Are there any other that would like to be on the list? Ed.)
From: "David Bratt" <>
Date: 9 May 04:32 (PDT)

What is the address of the Abbey School web page? I am willing to contribute to its development etc. How does one pay?
Congrats again.
Are you ready to help the effort??? We accept articles in lieu of money!!!!.
God Bless
Photo: Bro Vincent and kids, Lionel Roberts, Bro.Vincent
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , vibes
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
For those that want to communicate with the web, use,,.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the
circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received
one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Circular No 132

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 15 of May 2004. Circular No. 132
Dear Friends,
Here is a copy of O.A.S.I.S. Bull No. 3, thanks to its editor, Arthur Knaggs:

June 1982
Dearly Beloved fellow Urchins of the Old Establishment. You look at our heading and wonder, no doubt. With all the strife in the Middle East, perhaps this will have a new significance to those who hunger and thirst in these hard times. It certainly is no indication of the fountain of youth when I look around at my old school pals and have visions of the wheel chairs and walking sticks - No sir, this is my chosen new title of our little periodical; which, when-ever Fr. Cuthbert digs me for complaining about Mount Inside or outside, I retaliate by writing. I thought of "Mount Overseas", but ended up with: OVERSEAS ABBEY SCHOOL INTERESTED STUDENTS. (O.A.S.I.S.) That is the good news. The hard and testing news is that during these hard and pressing times, and considering the fast failing Canadian dollar, I, the one-man committee, is suggesting an annual subscription of $10.00 U.S. dollars, mainly to cover postage; but also to help pay off my mortgage, carry my children through school, upgrade my subscription to the Old People's home (where we will all no doubt end), and enable me to send a donation of $5.00 to Fr. Adelbert for a beach picnic to Maracas Bay, to help wash all the troubles and worries he is accumulating by marriage counselling. Theoretically, there is no such thing; as we have learned that the sacrament makes two people one, and it takes two to have differences. The second greatest gift a spouse can give their partner is a Marriage Encounter Week-end - ask about it. You already know that the first greatest is your undivided love and attention.
PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? - Well, earlier this year, your Company, R.N.G, meaning Real Nice Guys, had our Sales Convention at Mount Gabriel, a Ski Resort, and you should have seen your "boy" dashing down the slopes - a real thrill and treat. I also met in Montreal, Raymond Devaux, who is well established in business up here with his fingers in many pies; his hobbies are golfing, skiing and drinking wine like all good Frenchmen. Also met J.D.Miller, who lives in Montreal with Michellene, and a host of his tribe. Both quite well. J.D. was out in Nova Scotia exploring the possibilities in the Offshore Oil here, as he is thinking of getting back into the "Black Gold" business.
(I hope that John Miller can return a short message for all his friends. Ed.)
(Raymond Devaux is OK and maybe can help with a short note for me to publish inthe next circular. Ed.)
We are happy to tell you that Ms Marcus, M.I.Queen and former Secretary of the M.S.B.C., is coming along slowly but surely. She needs our playful support.
(Ms Kitty Markus is at MSB. Ed.)
Fr. Cuthbert writes to state he is taking Fr. Paul and Kitty Markus to Holland this month, but not why? Understand Kitty is not well but no news yet on Fr. Paul. Heard that Abbot Bernard has improved very much but is still in Holland. He met my brother, Jack, in Mayaro - Jack works for AMOCO on the Offshore there. He says terrible floods in Central Trinidad, only way to Mayaro is by boat. Bernard Lange teaches at Mount and putts out the Mount Inside magazine.
(Jack Knaggs is in Barbados. Ed) ( Fr. Paul left us this year. Ed.)
Here is a card I received from Bro. Roland, who is editor of the MSB Newsletter, and always keeps me on the mailing list. Subscription is 5 "Our Fathers", 10 "Hail Marys" and a blank cheque.
(Has anyone have a lead on Bro. Roland?? and the MSB Newsletter that is mentioned? Ed.)
Of your Charity pray for the late Father William Boers, O.S.B., Monk and Priest who died suddenly on Tuesday 29th September 1981. He was 70 years old, having been professed for 48 years and ordained priest for 42 years. Father Anselm van der Heijdt, O.S.B., Monk and Priest who died suddenly of a heart attach on Tuesday, 3rd September 1981. He was 65 years old, having been professed for 43 years and ordained priest for 38 years.
Fr. Vincent, our principal, left for the U.S.A. early in the morning of Tuesday, 30th March for a medical check-up. Our prayers accompany him we trust all will go well.
(Does anyone have a lead on Fr. Vincent?? Ed)
Our senior students have been exposed to Lectures on Banking Diplomacy & International Relations. Also, students have made tours to Lopinot, Iscott, Tritoc and the Pitch Lake and only last week an enjoyable visit to Caroni came off.
Ian Shoul from Antigua took time off from fishing, basking in the sunshine, and peddling his Singer Sewing machines to drop me a line to remind me that Stephen and Conrad are still alive and kicking, and should be on the mailing list, and he provided the address of Jerome Gomes, who is in Florida. Ian´s daughter, Diane, is working on her Business Administration Certificate at St.Mary´s University in Halifax. - Small world.
(Conrad Shoul is no longer with us. Ed.)( Can anyone help with Jerome Gomes? Ed.)
News from "down Under" comes from Anthony Llanos, who added Alistair Lange to the list of Western Australia. He has built a new home on 7 acres of land and aptly called it "Maracas". He is cultivating the land and planting avocadoes and hope to do well as this vegetable/fruit is quite short in supply and sells for $2.00 to "3.00 each - good luck to you. His eldest daughter, Teresa, got married in 1981, so we could be hearing some more news any time now. Anthony works for Woodside Petroleum as Systems Officer. He keeps in touch with Richard and Leary O´connor.
(Alistair Lange and Anthony Llanos are no longer with us. Ed.)
Latest letter is from Walter Darwent who now works in Brazil, back in the Oil Business. I guess he thought Brazil was going to win the Soccer World Cup - but better luck next time _ Bravo Italia! Toronto is in an uproar with celebrations. Walter says Michael Scott works for the same Company. "Wally" now has 3 ¾ grand children - so life moves on.
(Need news on Walter Darwent and Michael Scott!!! Ed.)
In Nova Scotia, the Knaggs continue to flourish even with the down-trodden dollar, and the plummeting economy; humour keeps us alive and love keeps us warm - heat warms.
Met Tommy Jardim (B.G.) - would you believe? He left Trinidad in 1948 and I have only just found him again. He has played Cricket for Canada, toured the West Indies, and still hits a mean Tennis ball. Has a lovely family of five; 3 married, 2 at home. And works for S.K.F. Drug House - not to be confused with bearings. We still have a lot to talk about and plan to do exactly that.
(also need news on Thomas Jardim. Ed)
Will leave you now till next time. Send me some news and some money so we can keep the ball rolling. - Remember Overseas mail is 60 cents in Canada.
Love you all,
Art from Dart
So there is Bull No. 3. Very interesting for those that went to school in the 1950s.
Can any one help me with the 1970s??? I can assure you that I am going to publish any news on how the school became 100% dayboy and the names of the graduating classes.
I wonder how Wayne Vincent Brown is doing???? It has been over a year that he wrote some interesting lines!!! Can you do it again, for us??
And what about Richard Driver, this Bull No. 3 surely brings back memeories???
God Bless
Photo: Arthur Knaggs Family 1982 (missing names)
by Robeto Bodington File0001d1 150 15 s132, file0001d2 150 15 s132
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , Deceiving Ourselves,,
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the
circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received
one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Circular No 131

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 of May 2004. Circular No. 131
LOST CONTACT with: Tee Luck Singh Chandra, Graham Gonsalves, John Duleiu (Pilot of Helen air or Liat), Wayne Henderson. These were on our list but over two months ago their email have bounced back as unknown address. Can anyone help????

Dear Friends
I have two wonderful news for you. The first one is about the reactivation of the WEB PAGE, which I describe in this Circular. The second one is reserved for Circular No.133, it is a surprise but I want to torment your guessing powers, and the only clue is that I have found a dear friend of ours, original from British Guiana, whose photo appeared in a Circular 125 and 128, he is ready to exchange emails with you.
And now here is how the WEB PAGE got transferred from the hands of the founder, Anthony Johnson (1960) to Maroth de Marothy (1958), whom I thank for his diligence. Again thank you Gaby for the effort in setting up the page and keeping it for us
for over one hundred weeks.

From: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>
Date: 23 Apr 14:08 (PDT)

Dear Ladislao,
Yes. I could arrange the circulars so that they show up as icons in a tree (like Windows Explorer), sorted by date (and/or number), and when you click the icon, you see the circular. This is not hard but takes time ... Right now time is difficult for me ... but after Oct 1 it won't be so ... I retire from work then ... Still, I hope to make changes to the site soon ... between pressure from work and
From: Ladislao Kertesz []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: About the Abbey School web site

Dear Maroth,
I received all the emails on the web exchange, just to let you know. I shall answer soon, first I must get No. 129 out. I agree with the Class listing or organization per graduation year or would have graduated in Form V. These I have placed as whg, or 1964W. The Circulars can be placed as a separate entity in the web page, and from it the photos can be organized per year of graduation Form V. But I am not sure if it can be accommodated so that you can extract one of the Circulars by number?
God Bless
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:11:53 -0500, "De Marothy, Maroth" wrote:

Hello Ladislao and everyone,
I received email yesterday from Tony Johnson with instructions on how to "inherit" the web site from him. This I did last night. I think we should all commend Tony on the hard work he put in to establish the web site. It's not as easy as some might think! Great job Tony!! Now here are the changes I made yesterday:
1) I upgraded the site from 'free' to 'webmaster' service (see for what that gets us). So no more ads or popups, greater bandwidth, and more disk space.
2) I replaced Tony's email address in some of the pages with my address. But I'll be setting up a more anonymous email address later today (
3) The webmaster service allows us to have up to 25 email addresses ( I opened one for me ( and one for my brother Christopher de Marothy (, so he can
be my backup in case I keel over. If anyone needs an email address, go the web site and email me.
This 'webmaster' service costs US $13.50/month when paid in advance for a year. This I did, so the site is paid for until April 1, 2005. There was also a 1 time setup charge of $19.95. If anyone feels like sharing the costs, I would be more than happy ... Bill Gates I'm not! But please don't send TT dollars or Bolivars ... might cost too much to convert the currency.
I might have been a bit hasty in signing up with this hosting service ( ... probably should have done more research and tried to find cheaper/better web hosts ... but my time is very limited these days, so maybe next year .... and Tony had all the files there anyway.
As time permits, I would like to do the following: (and let me know what you think about this!)
1) Organize the site by class years. I suspect that most of us are only interested in our class and perhaps the one immediately following or preceding. So all 'people' photos, bios, stories, newsletters, etc. will be by class years.
2) Add Ladislao newsletters somewhere ... perhaps he can publish his newsletter on the web site rather than emailing the Abbey School alumni world.
That's the status of the web site as of today...
Cheers to all and abrazos a los Venezolanos...
From: "Tony Johnson" <>
Date: 19 Apr 07:49 (PDT)
To: "De Marothy, Maroth" <>

Hi Maroth,
The website is hosted by "" Click on the member's login button at the top right corner. The name is "" and the password is "xxxxxx". You will be able to download the entire site including the pictures.
I have used Dreamweaver to produce the site. I am not a professional at this. In fact this is the first site I have done, and I did it by trial and error. I have had many good intentions of updating the site but I just have not had time. I am glad that you are willing to take over. If I can help in any other way just let me know.
Good luck and keep up the good work,
Tony Johnson
From: De Marothy, Maroth [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:56 PM

Hello Tony,
The email below is the only one I have received so far ... perhaps you can send me the details about the web site again. Primarily, I need access to the files and photos. I'll take care of the $9 month and spiffy up the web site as best as I can given the time I have. I'm retiring Oct 1 this year and will have a lot of time them to devote to the site ... until then I'm extremely busy ... but still, I think some things can be accomplished.
Hope to hear from you soon...
From: Tony Johnson []
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:30 PM

I just sent you an email with the details to allow you to take over the website. Let me know if you received it. I can confirm that the site has been downgraded to a free site. That is why there are now advertising banners on the site. It will be necessary to upgrade to a paid site (I believe the cost is $9 per month) in order to remove the advertising banners and in order to allow you to update. To do this you will have to contact the site host ""
Good luck,
Now let us return to the year 1982, thanks to O.A.S.I.S.

December 15, 1982.
From: J. Gordon Lang
Bogota Colombia
I have been receiving your letters and news bulletins with great interest as always and the reasons for not writing will be disclosed in a Christmas Circular Letter which I plan to mail in the course of next week, Mysterious like Hitchcock, eh! However, what I want to tell you in this letter cannot wait until then. My eldest daughter, Johana (20 years), is going to spend Christmas and the New Year in Connecticut (U.S.A.) with friends and plans to visits Canada for a short while immediately after, which would be around January 7th next. I would greatly appreciate if you could receive her and put up with her, sorry, put her up and guide her as much as you can about studies and universities in your part of Canada. She speaks English. If I don't receive a telex of something from you before then, I shall phone you at your office on Monday, the 13th instant because Johana is leaving for the States on the 15th. She can sleep in the living-room sofa. Anything!.
Love to all

(I have looked all through the telephone directory of Colombia and the world, and no MATCH, or at least no positive match, can any one help?? Ed.)
In all the Circulars I ask for the whereabouts of your friends, please take your time and forward this Circular to them or send me the email address so that I may send them this Newsletter. I am sure that you would make someone happy. Can anyone call Charles Prada, St. Catharine, Canada, (905) 6467783, he is an alumni of the 1950s, need an email address for him!!!!.
As to the photos made by Roberto Bodington, no one has been able to recognize them??? Low memory powers??? Lack of Gatorade??? Help!!
God Bless
Photo: by Robeto Bodington File0001c6 150 15 s131, file0001c5 150 15 s131
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , torture is abuse too
Look us up at, an all class msb web site.
Send information to:, if you would like to be in the
circular's mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Telf. 0(212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Use for photos as I leave enough storage space for these.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received
one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela's time is the same as Trinidad's, -04:00 GMT.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Circular No 130

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 1 of May 2004. Circular No. 130
Dear Friends,
On this special day I would like to congratulate all those that have made the Circular a weekly proposition and informative media to all the alumni. Now another matter, the names of alumni of the 1980s:
Date: 23 Mar 21:38 (PST)

I will send you all the names I have. But they only go back as far as 1979. I can ask Maxim De Comomond who works at the Mount to see what he can do. I will forward any info I get.
( Hope to be able to get the promised list!! For the benefit of all. Ed.)
Here are two interesting letters:
From: "John & Priscilla Cunningham" <>
Date: 15 Feb 10:04 (PST)

Dear Laszlo,
I am not an Old Boy of the Abbey but yes, I do enjoy your newsletters because I am a sister of an Old Boy and my childhood, adolescence and part of my adulthood were spent right under the Abbey, even dated some Abbey boys in my youth. My father's property actually bordered with the Abbey's property. My brother still lives in Trinidad, his name is Gregory Farfan alias Curry Mouth.
Saludos, Priscilla
(I shall include you in the list with the email address. Ed.)
From: "Annabella Johnson" <>
Date: 18 Apr 10:24 (PDT)

Dear Ladislao,
Thank you for sending me The Abbey School circulars. I enjoy reading these circulars and know some of the names in them.
I am not a past student of that school but I am Gregory Farfan's sister. Gregory is a past student. We lived just below the Mount. Daddy's lands bounded with Mount St. Benedict and we still have some land there that Gregory is trying to sell and give us our share. Our house was the first house you would see from the Abbey School. I remember well that school and the scouts used to come down the hill and visit Priscilla, our younger sister and myself. I do not recall having met you but have some fond memories of the Mount. I live in Barbados for the past 33 years married to a Barbadian Theo Johnson. We have two sons -- one 31 years old who lives in St. Petersburg, Florida and the second one is 27 and still lives at home with us.
Thanks and best regards,
Annabella Johnson nee Farfan formerly of Santa Margarita Hill, Trinidad
(What a coincidence!!, maybe some of you would remember them. Ed.)
From: "Elspeth O'Connor" <>
Date: 18 Apr 04:13 (PDT)

I can give you Earle Kayne's email address, I enjoyed reading the account of Frs. Cuthbert and Augustine as I remember when they arrived at Mount as young men. It was interesting to hear that yoghurt is now being made at Mount. In my days all they had was the PAX honey!
Sincerely Richard O'Connor
(Thank you Richard, he does not seem to receive the Circulars, it is No. 128 and no response, hope you can confirm that he is well! Ed.)
From: "timothy" <>
Date: 22 Apr 02:45 (PDT)

Richard Driver in Vancouver sent me your email address and a photo with me on the far right. I would be grateful; if you could include me on your email list and if I can provide any info etc., I will be pleased to do so.
Tim Mew 1950 to 1958 [from memory].
We [Gail "Fernandes" and I moved from Guyana in 1974 to Australia and live in Melbourne, and have five daughters and two grandsons. I have also been trying to get in touch with a friend from around 1956 called Ricky Chacon, an American at MSB, from his time in Venezuela with his family. Do you know of him? Look forward to hearing from you,
PS: I will send an up-to-date photo of Gail and myself about three weeks old separately.
(The name does not appear on the list, but shall look into it, by the way, do you have Willim´s address. Ed.)
From: Jeremy <>
Date: 23 Feb 11:09 (PST)
Subject: Class 1964

Hello L,
Having a short go (guess) at the Class of 1964. It looks like a snapshot out of 'The Boys on a break from the War - Singapore let's say! Christ, what a collection!
1 Russell Cuhna
6. (A) Clarke - Smart guy; Destined to become a doctor. Sat at the back right-hand corner of the Study Hall.
7. One of those 'Box-Heads' Mitchell - Most likely Gordon 'Alex' [Don't think it's you Don - Alex was always smartest in pose]
8. Paul Tadros (?) Lived in Couva.
9. (Christian?) Gurley [or Brendon]
10. Could be a Tang
12. The American. Good friend of Don Mitchell. [Paul Zeven???]
13. - Can't recall this teacher yet. But must have been a tough bastard to be able to control this lot.
15. Possibly Richard 'Jiggs' Anderson.
16. John 'Johnny'/'Bram' Abraham - The Wild bush-man who made 'Brams Den' in the hills & Guitarest.
17. (Guessing all this now) The resemblance to John (16 above) places him as his brother. [Some years after leaving MSB, I believe that this person died tragically by drowning while aqua-lunging in the caves in the Northern Hill - Coura/Valencia?!] Need to check 'Bram' on that one.
18. A remarkably cool character.
21. Mervin Assam
23. An ubiquitous Herrera. God knows which one though.
24. (This is a shot in the dark) Coonhow? (South Trinidad) A possible genius of philosophy, from what I recall. [Applicable to the person in the picture - Not the name indicated if incorrect]
25. Possible Galt
26. T T T T ?????? David Narrine's left hand. [Topping??]
27. None other than 'Nazi'
29. Could it be: The Posing 'El Tigre' Himself? [Reported dead by suicide on Curacao] Poor fella - A bit overly strung; and was in love with ....
31. A short-ass lively head-case out of Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad. Can't recall your name brother, but were you a bunch of trouble! Hope you are well and still kicking strongly. (A de Bruin or something!)
Having read what I've just written + the comments added to the 1966 picture, seems that I have an avid obsession with death recall!
Not so strange how we all became brothers; strange how one wishes to recall their passing.
[Hoping however that I may be at least accurate.]
That's it for now
From: Jeremy <>
Date: 20 Mar 15:21 (PST)

Suffered email Inbox crash last week. Please resend:
a) Nletters 122 ---> + (?)
(I hope the, Don Mitchell was able to help you!, ed.)
b) Your recent email directed specifically to (me)
<> - Re: Class 66

(Sorry but I must try to remember as I do not keep the Sent files, most likely I added some names to yours. Ed.)
Have been pleasantly surprised with communications from 'Keke' = "Pal Kecskemeti" <> We are reviewing photo of Class of 66 and have some more names. Need your email to remember where you got to in sorting out this photo.
Only recently (see I don't pay attention!) discovered your Class of 65; Will try to add a few names to that later.
All for now
(Hope you can send me the names of the 1965 bunch, I do not have a photo of the Class. Ed.)
Now it is the turn of the members of Class 1964 to confirm their names in the photo, and to add those missing. I do not have the email address of those mentioned, can any one help? Rafael Echeverria, can you help? Maybe Robert Huggins can help with the 1965 Class?
You may wonder why I am only sending Roberto Bodington´s photos? it is because none of you have been sending photos for us to look at. Please send a photo of yourself, need not be a MSB era photo!
God Bless
Photo: Timothy Mew march 2004
by Robeto Bodington File0001c4 150 15 s130, file0001c2 150 15 s130
Wayne Vincent Brown's column can be seen at,
Column: dbratt , Recognizing Child Abuse